wii360? oh no. not that!

27 hours!!!! holy tapdancing christmas! i waited on release day for about 4 hours and i was ready to throttle the guy beind me!!! believe me if i didnt walk out with my wii i prob would have choked the s#!t outa the bastard!

paintba||er said:

Well around here if there was one on the shelf someone would pull out a gun. The only people that even have them here got them at launch and they started lining up a week before launch. I was going to get one instead of my Wii but I wasn't going to sit outside infront of Walmart for a week and miss a week of school. I only had to wait 27 hours for my Wii and if I wanted to get a PS3 I would have had to wait at least 3 days. I guess that there's just a lot of gamers around here and all of them are Playstation gamers. If you tell someone you have a Nintendo console they will just laugh at you. There are a few Xbox gamers but almost everyone loves Playstation.
So...you're area isn't much of a "provider"?
Well when I got my Wii there where 14 Wii's and 78 people in line. Each store only got about 3-5 PS3's on launch. The Walmart where I got my Wii got 3 PS3's and the 3 people that got the PS3's left their tents their for when the Wii's came out and they were right behind me in line. I talked with them and they said that they where in line 5 days before the PS3 launched. There are also some very unintelligent people since there were people lined up all the way around the building and they thought they were going to get a PS3 when they only had 3 and they told anybody that asked how many they had.
paintba||er said:
Well when I got my Wii there where 14 Wii's and 78 people in line. Each store only got about 3-5 PS3's on launch. The Walmart where I got my Wii got 3 PS3's and the 3 people that got the PS3's left their tents their for when the Wii's came out and they were right behind me in line. I talked with them and they said that they where in line 5 days before the PS3 launched. There are also some very unintelligent people since there were people lined up all the way around the building and they thought they were going to get a PS3 when they only had 3 and they told anybody that asked how many they had.
Than that would be a "no" to my question...
i just went to walmart to pick up a new classic controller (they had like 2 left) and they had 4 ps3s there.. i've heard its very similar all around (i live in pennsylvania)..
I didnt feel like reading all this crap but who actually has a PS3.
I dont know anyone who owns one. I have Wii but next up for me is a 360.
i have

ps3 360 and a wii... i just recently sold my ps3 on ebay for 450..almost new... with 1 game.. reason being the system froze on me one time...so i decided i need to get ride of it.... i didnt like it too much.

but the wii and 360 are both very good systems. if i had to choose and pick one...i pick my 360 thou.

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