Wii Yellow Standby Light and Glowing Blue Light?


WiiChat Member
Feb 5, 2009
I notice when I power down my Wii from the Wiimote, the power indicator on the system goes yellow. Does this mean it is in a standy mode instead of completely powred down (red)? I never was comfortable with standby as I feel my system is still drawing power and gettin wear and tear. Second when I woke up in the night I also noticed the glowing blue light was staying on as well as the standby indicator. Does that mean it was getting a download? The blue light was still on this morning when I woke up, so I powered on the system. Don't see anything new?
the 'yellow' light means your wii has wiiconnect24 enabled... meaning it can receive messages, so it is switched off, but its nothing to worry about..

as for messages; thats what the blue light means - you have a message. once you have read any unread messages the light will switch off

(you can disable wiiconnect in the wii settings menu, and you can also switch off the blue light message indicator if you so wish)
The other two pretty much explained it. You don't have to worry about it being yellow, it's still technically off, just on WiiConnect24.
As other posters have mentioned, yes the yellow light means that the Wii is on standby because you have Wii connect 24 enabled. Wii connect 24 is useful to leave on if you want to have channels such as news and weather functioning continuously rather than having to wait on download time.

If your Wii is showing a blue light, this means that you have a new message on your message board. This is most likely to be an update of your game play status, or a notification of online tournaments or contests. Once the messages have been opened or 'trashed' then the light will go.

Check out this article on my website to find out how much electricity is being used in standby mode. You will be surprised!

Jodie Lawton
Wii Health Zone
As everyone has said before and I only say now to prove how redundant this is getting...

Yellow light means wiiconnect24 is still active
Blue light mean you've got mail.

yellow means it's on standby, and still draws half power. you can disable wiiconnect24 to disable that, but news and, i think, forecast, don't work when it's disabled. you can turn it on every time you want to use those features, though.

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