Blue light is surging


WiiChat Member
Aug 14, 2010
I have 2 things going on with my Wii -- first, the blue light in the CD slot will sometimes start surging just out of nowhere. The Wii is downstairs and occasionally I'll go down there for something and the light will be off -- 10 minutes later, the blue light will be on and is surging.

Second, the stand-by light used to be red when the power to the Wii is off but ever since the surging blue light thing started happening, the stand-by light is kind of a yellow-ish color instead.

Has anyone else had this happen; is something wrong with it?

1st off you have wii connect 24 on "that makes it yellow"
2nd the blue surging means you have a Wii message.
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Ohhhh; thanks!! I'll have a look. (That surging blue light is kind of spooky when you go down in the dark basement in the middle of the night). LOL
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Should I turn off wii connect 24? I don't even really know what that is / does.
WiiConnect24 allows the Wii console to recieve messages while you're playing game or when it's in standby. This also allows channels to update the news or weather.

The Blue lighting means you have recieved a message.

If you have it in Standby mode, the power button light will be yellow. If it's red it will not recieve meseages because it's off. If you don't want to turn Standby off, but don't want the Wii to be in Standby, hold the power button for 5 Secs or unti the light is Red.

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