Wii Writers - WANTED!

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even though all the writers have been chosen, im sure you could make room for me and my amazing perspective and input. :yesnod:
Jokes aside, that's a pretty sure way to put yourself out of the job.. if you really want us to put you into a position that only a select few on Wiichat obtain, you might want to be more serious.
I haven't recieved a reply yet? Neither E-Mail or PM. I really want this job and will be dedicated to updating news to the website. If you all give me a shot I can assure you that you won't regret the decision. I am a Freshman College student. I may be a Chemistry Major but my english skills are highly polished.
Dzapper, we know you're interested but positions are currently filled up. It's like applying for a job when the job has already been taken. In future we may be interested in more writers so stay tuned as we know you're wanting a position.
wii writers

i would like more info on this subject mainly becous i would like to know if i can do it 100% and if my abilitys meet your standerds i dont have good grammer but i state my opinion logicly and accuratly so pm me and we can see where this goes
I'm very interested. I love writing, and especially love giving reviews. I have great spelling and punctuation skills. I'm a frequent Wii User, and would do whatever it takes to get the information you guys need. I'm very logical and elaborate when it comes to reviews. I'm very opinionated, and I tell the truth. Please, selct me if you guys ever get any more openings. Thanks!
Did you ever decide as the whether you would have a 'Senior' area? I still think it would be a great place where us older folks could discuss some of the 'games', etc. that we find interesting and helpful
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