Wii - Why I've Lost Enthusiasm For It

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i dont understand why people dont sell their Wii's if they don't use it or reckon the games are average instead of having a whinge.

Sell it and get a 360 or PS3 (you will be much happier) there are heaps of people still looking for a Wii which would appreciate it more than yourselves.
You people love complaining and making arguements, don't you? just be patient for the good games coming out and stop crying.
bubs said:
i dont understand why people dont sell their Wii's if they don't use it or reckon the games are average instead of having a whinge.

Sell it and get a 360 or PS3 (you will be much happier) there are heaps of people still looking for a Wii which would appreciate it more than yourselves.
I would do that, but I already have a 360 and my PS3 is in shipping.
gingerkid said:
it's called emulation and it's legal if you own a copy of the game. if you don't it's illegal. I don't like to use them because they mess up my pc. I like spending a small price for an awsome game like mario 64 or zelda orcarina of time on the VC.

exactly, why would someone want to illegally download a classic game and play it on a lame-ass PC when they can just pay a few bucks and play it on the Wii legally? Also, a sideways Wii Remote or a Classic Controller just feels so much better.
Opinions are for....
Anywhere but this forum.
For it's blasphemy!
And the general forum just can't handle them. Sorry, yo.
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