Wii - Why I've Lost Enthusiasm For It

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Meh haven't actually played on mine in months
Your lack of enthusiasm is understandable, as this is mine as of now. Two more days till re4, and I know it is a port, but my ps2 broke down a long long time ago and I never picked up a gamecube, so better late than never (though I can understand how others see it as a rather boring release). Most of the games I'm excited about are months away from releasing, if we are lucky. SSBB, MP3, Harvest Moon (I'm a sucker for the whole series). There are a few I'm unsure about like Disaster and Sadness. I hope these can hold me once they come out until some more decent games.

As well, people are getting hyped over Manhunt 2. If I want gore (which I always do), I can get much better in flicks. I found the game play of the first very boring and repetitive. It wasn't disturbing or too violent, which was the main catch of the game, and if it was I may have liked it. Personally if the games I listed above come out relatively soon and are decent to great, I'll be set, but I'm hoping for more.
I Play It, Ignore It, And Such When i Want... It Just Depends On What Mood I'm In If I Wanna Play My 360, Wii, 64, Computer, Or PS2... ^_^
You've got some good points there Vanquish. I'm not much of an arcade type of game fella but the only reason I play the Wii is to have some "fun time" with my 7 yr old daughter. I also like the internet feature wherein I can go online during commercial breaks.

The games that I play on it on my own are the Tiger Woods game, Call of Duty (which I've completed by the way) and Blazing Angels.

The way I see it, nothing beats playing online games on your pc.
I totally agree with you on this one. I'm disappointed in the Wii system. I have stopped playing Zelda: TP. I'm beginning to believe that it was a waste of 54.11. I actually went back to my PS2 games and perhaps play Wii Sport like 2 hours a day.

I mean the Wii is not even a next-gen console. I see it as a GC with motion sensor controllers. How is it going to compete with PS3 and XBOX 360 when those systems can do so much more. Even Sega is questioning the Wii system. Source - ign.com.

It's good that the Wii is selling like hot cakes and that it's crapping the PS3 to death, at the moment. But when the big guns roll out for the PS3 and the XBOX, what about the Wii. Looking at the current release date roster, the only flag ship titles is really Metorid 3 and SSBB.

Soul Calibur Legends for example. Am I going to get it on Wii? Or am I going to get the extra contents on the PS3 with better graphics? I'm choosing PS3. People say it's about the games, but the Wii doesn't really have that many good games coming out. And their 3rd party counterpart games all look way better. The controller is nice, but then again, how far is the controller going to take the Wii? There is only so much you can do with that controller. And I think we have seen the best of it already. What else is that controller going to do for Wii?
well as much games as i bought for the wii(8) i perfer to master a game(so basically master ssbb) but keep in mind no more heroes is coming out for the wii and word on the web is that it's ogin gto have online....that's another game we could look forward to, project hammer, sadness, disaster.......i'm going to get all of those, mario galaxy and ssbb, that shoul dbe enough gmaes to last you for months and maybe even years, for the gamecube all i bought was melee and tales of symphonia and i was satisfied with that because i wasn't really a gamer then, but i still haven't completed any of my other gmaes besides warioware; and i just started another game(metroid prime 1) so anybody that says "my wii is sitting in the corner gathering dust" i do not get them
well everyone is different. people who have the wii like it. it's just that now, we are looking at the bigger picture and it's not that pretty for the Wii. after Mario, after Metorid, after SSBB, and after Zelda, what are they going to give us?

it's all about the games right? the gameplay is that it? okay, so where is the games?
arcticreaver said:
well everyone is different. people who have the wii like it. it's just that now, we are looking at the bigger picture and it's not that pretty for the Wii. after Mario, after Metorid, after SSBB, and after Zelda, what are they going to give us?

it's all about the games right? the gameplay is that it? okay, so where is the games?
well for the most part, people like the wii who have it, its just they dont play it because they dont have games, and yes, after all those games, there will be nothing left. this is called the nintendo curse, where the only good games that come out are by nintendo and there is nothing before, in between, or after those.
I totally agree with this thread's first post.

It never really occurred to me how much i didnt play the wii, untill my cousins came into town and saw it in my room. First thing they asked "You play it a lot dont you?!" I just stood there trying to remember the last time i actually did play it.

It sucks because there hasnt been really any big releases besides a select few, but i still have a little faith that some huge releases will come out and bring it back to life. But to be honest, it seems like nintendo could be doing a lot more then they actually are. With the exception of the VC being updated every monday, there have been no signs of any new channels coming soon, etc...

We'll see though, they could be holding the best stuff for later.
paintba||er said:

Not really. I can do that on my PC and I don't have to pay ridiculous prices for **** that costs them nothing.
you dont have to pay anything to get them on your pc :crazy:
Sovieto said:
you dont have to pay anything to get them on your pc :crazy:
it's called emulation and it's legal if you own a copy of the game. if you don't it's illegal. I don't like to use them because they mess up my pc. I like spending a small price for an awsome game like mario 64 or zelda orcarina of time on the VC.
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