wii wheel


WiiChat Member
Feb 5, 2009
Is Mario Kart actually supposed to play better with a steering wheel or is this just a gimmick. I tend to over steer and end up off the track alltogether. If I switch to the nunchuk or gamecube controller I can steer much better with the analog control. However when I play online I notice allot of people play with the wheel, at least I think that is why they have a little wheel icon over thier character.
Well, I dunno if it "plays better" but I think it's fun to use the wheel. It takes some getting used to at first but after a while it'll feel normal. I've actually never used anything but the wheel for Mario Kart Wii. It really just takes practice to use the wheel well.
It's "meant" to be played with it, but it is really just your preference. I, like real-o, have never not used the wheel so without it, I don't do so well. With the wheel it takes some getting used to, but when you do (if you do) it is really fun.

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