Wii Walmart Canada? Tommorow?


im McLovin
Dec 1, 2006
Wii Online Code
I just called my Walmart near my house(10min away) and i asked about the wii (i need a 3rd system) and they said they were not allowed to release information regarding the wii or ps3..then the guy said..maybe show tommorow and it "may come in" who knoes...it opens at 6am...so should i go or not waist my time?
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so then should i go>? its 10 mins away..wake up around 5am get there around 5:20...they say they cant tell the dates...because they are not allowed people to wait outside...its a supercenter in london, ontari

6AM- 12PM!!!365 days a year!!!!!
ericlewis91 said:
I just called my Walmart near my house(10min away) and i asked about the wii (i need a 3rd system) and they said they were not allowed to release information regarding the wii or ps3..then the guy said..maybe show tommorow and it "may come in" who knoes...it opens at 6am...so should i go or not waist my time?

whereabouts is your walmart?

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