Wii virgin needs desparate help...please!!!


WiiChat Member
Dec 25, 2009
Hi, I am a first time Wii player. I just received it and attempted to install my Console. Everything was going well with the set-up. I had put in the WiiSports disc and was continuing with the Wii set-up. Everything seemed fine. After I thought all the set-up was complete, I went back to the menu to start the game. I immediately received an error message to eject the disc and turn off the console and consult the manual for more information. Well, the console will not turn off. I have tried several times and several different ways to turn it of, but it won't. I don't want to unplug it because they say not to do that.

Has anyone experienced that before? Any advice on what I should do? I went through the self-help on the site and tried calling support, but they are closed.

I hope someone can help me as soon as possible.

This is so disappointing on Christmas Day to boot.

relax hold your dissapointment. unplug the wii for 5 min [trust me] unhook all wires then set up again. and make sure the disc is in the right way.
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relax hold your dissapointment. unplug the wii for 5 min [trust me] unhook all wires then set up again. and make sure the disc is in the right way.

Thanks. I ended up getting it to work...stupid me, I didn't hold the power button down long enough; however, the disc seems to be touchy. I have had to put the disc in a few times to get it to work. The disc doesn't look scratched, but I do get it to work after a few attempts. I hope it clears up.

Thanks again.

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