Wii video cast :P


Unofficial WiiChat Helper
Jul 20, 2006
Athens, AL
Wii Online Code
I did this video cast its pretty sweet thought I would share it with you guys.


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Unfortunately rob didnt think as much he said me a pm and told me I had to remove it but i told him to talk to ian mikutel and I may redo the into later so it is allow able as my own fan cast
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its complicated i'll have it back up as soon as i can.
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I updated the video with the unlabaled one i'm hoping to eather get approval or relable it later if i get enough support i will make new episodes :D
Nice vids.
Could be good for the new Wii owners to see, as well as the the old Wii owners.
Keep up the good work.
Love the videos, the gameplay footage window in the second video is a great effect. Keep up the good work :)
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lol sure you can reply to my posts but not my pms LOLZ

anyways yeh hopefully I'll get approved to use the name I was originally planning to use if not I will be relabeling it as something else no idea what though.
Not interesting enough IMO

It's good. But I don't think people will watch it for the info on it. There's easier ways to get that

ALWAYS REMEMBER when presenting people are WAY more interested in how you say things before they start to hear what you're saying.

In other words. Very few people will come to your video cast to watch you if you're dead boring. Regardless of how good your info might be.

Hope this helps
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Yes the intro and some other things I had to remove for the time being made it a bit more lively and I was planning several other things that didn't happen this episode because of problems I ran into in future episodes I will be doing a humor section based on the web comic hyrularity and also interviews of people around the country if my friend ever gets a new camera.

Any suggestions and comments on it are welcome I can always use input for it.
Its a nice start. But make it a more interesting indeed. Maybe sit in a more interesting place, talk more lively! And try to get some really good new information.
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Yeh we were considering putting a couch outside to do it. and i'm sure the other segments i'm going to do will make it a lot better but if anyone has a camera and wants to help me out with interviews and other stuff then that would be awesome! Also I need Video and Audio questions for the Q & A segment of the show.
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I was hoping to get Super Mario Galaxy and do a review but right now I don't have the money even if I could find a store that got it in early but I might try and get my friend to buy it hopefully so I can show you guys teh pwnage that it is :p

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