Wii uses lack of processing power to push developers

im an xbox player and Halo is overated. the first one was ground breaking but they have (in my opinion) been the same game over and over. this one with no exceptions its just halo 2 with a somewhat new story and better graphics, and a couple of new weapons. Only thing that makes halo 3 worth the purchase (in my opinion) is the multiplayer. I got the game at launch and have already played and beat the game on normal and the hardest difficulty leval Legendary. check my gamer tag if you need proof. on normal in 3 1/2 hours and on legendary 5 hours.

EXACTLY!! Halo 3 even uses the same gun shot sounds from Halo 1 and 2!? It's just 1 & 2 smashed together and sprinkled with 1080P. To be honest, I was let donw graphically by this game. Captain Keyes looks bad up close and don't even get me started on the commander. I actually let a friend borrow my Halo 3 LE until January because I was so disgusted. I mean Microsoft has made a killing off of hype. The game even had the freaking flood in it from teh Halo rings, WTF! The flood can fly ships now!? It was a horrible experience dipped in eye candy. MP3 to me does more than just rehash, it innovates also. This game uses (to me) the Wii controls flawlessly. The only other game that showed potential with the controls was Godfather:BE. Halo was, is, and will be over rated. The Wii has good games, the PS3 has good games, and the 360 has good games. Cash your check, review teh games, and make the purchase right for you.
yungblood6 said:
This is the best opinion on this matter that i have heard! No graphics arent every thing, but it does emmerse you in the game better when graphics are great. i for one didnt care for nintendo since the game cube drought. Did not plan on getting a wii when i found out it wasnt going to be in hd. Im in love with the graphics capability of the 360 and ps3, but with any system you cant go on graphics alone. I got a wii and was surprised that i didnt even care what wii sports looked like, or what zelda looked like, it was fun. But at the same time the wii has it share of horrible looking and playing games, just as the 360 and the ps3 do. lets stop comparing apples and oranges, and just play the games that deserve to get played, and don't play the ones that are crap. No system is better then the other. Just like its different people in the world who like different things, there are different consoles that cater to differnt people, differnt games for different type of gamers. No matter what you choose remember THE COMPANIES ARE MAKING THE MONEY YOU ARE SPENDING IT. Get whats right for you if you can only get one, if you got it like that get em all. But lets not take sides thats ignorant

^^^^ Thank you.
COLDshiver said:
I would like you to compare them to this:


^^^^ What game is that? It looks like a painting.
nintendo scaled down on the graphics to make more room for other things like better gameplay, better enviroments and who cars about graphics? the only real difference graphics make is that things LOOK better, but games like mp3 have the best controls/gameplay ive ever seen.
arcticreaver said:
i dunno man, comparing halo3 to mp3 in turns of graphics? i would have to say i want halo 3's graphics. why? because of 1080p. why? because halo 3 can generate more polygons than the Wii and the fact is that 1080p is just way better than 480p.

mp3 has good graphics for a Wii game i mean. but if you put mp3 on say an xbox 360 or ps3, it would look way better.
All very good points however you forget that if someone does not have a HD tv they can only show 480p 1080P is HD i think if I am wrong just say it but I think that is the right stats for a standard definition
Guitarsmasher108 said:
Speak for yourself. The Gamecube was the weakest game console of last gen, and the Wii isn't better graphically than itself. That=paradox

And about the topic, whether or not the Wii has an amazing graphics card or not, games created by Nintendo will always be distinguished in a good way. But most games created by third party companies don't always try to be artsy despite the graphics for the Wii; they just want to make a quick buck. The Wii isn't for graphics, it's for creativity and innovation, not just for "fun".

he wasnt on about how well the last-gen console did. he was on about how powerfull the graphics are as xbox had the best followed by gamecube then ps2

Retro studios: Wii graphics can go way beyond Metroid 3 but graphics aren't everything

Metroid Prime 3 game director Mark Pacini has commented that it is possible to go way beyond the graphics seen in Metroid Prime 3 for the Wii but suggested graphics are not everything. Pacini shared a view that there are more ways to impress the eyes of gamers and that doesn't involve pushing tech too much.

If the Wii controller posed one formidable challenge, it's reasonable to assume that the system's graphical prowess, reputedly not far from the original Xbox's, would frustrate a Retro team known for pushing game visuals. "The Wii is a fairly decently powerful game system as far as polygons go," art director Todd Keller said, refraining from making any serious complaints. "We don't have a lot of depth with shader stuff, but we can make really good color palettes." Keller, who has been overseeing art in the "Prime" series, said the system can graphically surpass the achievements of "Prime 3," noting "you can definitely do more stuff that will be way beyond that." But he also shared a philosophy about game graphics that suggests there's plenty of ways to impress players' eyes that don't involve pushing tech. Instead, he talks about pushing talent to some interesting extremes.

"We'll do crazy stuff," Keller said. "You can ask any artist here what the first 'Prime' was about and they'll say cracks. All we did was put thousands of cracks everywhere. For some reason at the time I was real big into cracks and everything had to be beveled. Every crack was custom. There is not one crack that was copied around. I made them chop up everything. We chopped up every stone that was unique on the game. Every pebble." So what is "Prime 3" about? "Texture detail." Keller said that in the Wii game, every texture — the flat pieces of art that coat every side of every figure, object and piece of terrain in any 3-D game — was handmade, ideally at 512 pixels wide, double the resolution of textures in the two earlier "Prime" games.
news via maxconsole

also i found a rather intressting picture of halo and metroid (put in spolier box to streching the webpage out all the time)
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Tomqman, thanks for the quotes. o_O That... takes a lot of work. Are those Prime ppls nuts!? XD

Now that I think about it, I vaguely remember looking at the ground as I was playing MP3 and wondering, "Man, did they really cut and paste textures? I can't tell..." Not exactly what I thought, but pretty much. I didn't know they were all custom made. @_@; Wow.
hmmmm these seem pretty much like the same game if you where to ask some one who did not know any better. lol
yeah they are close I like MP3 as mentioned on another thread I am anti Xbox long story but in short I hate the way they conduct buisness so anything oposite them I.E Nintendo or Sony is allright in my book
Wow.. Ok first off.. I have all 3 consoles, and my most used one is by far the ps3, just because of the dvd player. As far as games I don't have any one to choose from because they all have good games in my honest opinion. However, Halo 3 looks much better than mp3. I've recently had the delight of playing through the single player and it was a beauty indeed. Yes.. That screenshot is bland in terms of "artwork" but that's a multiplayer map. When you're in the jungles it's a lush environment and the lighting is spectacular. In the temples it's simply amazing. Not bashing mp3 or anything, but I'm sorry, halo 3 just looks better. Mp3 is more about gameplay though and that's what makes it special.
To all who are concerned, please realize that Halo 3 does NOT run in 1080p. It runs at roughly 620p. They scaled the resolution to get acceptable framerates, and Bungie basically called gamers "idiots" for complaining. MP3 is hell of a lot more fun than H3.
Kil4Thril said:
To all who are concerned, please realize that Halo 3 does NOT run in 1080p. It runs at roughly 620p. They scaled the resolution to get acceptable framerates, and Bungie basically called gamers "idiots" for complaining. MP3 is hell of a lot more fun than H3.

I think MP3 looks good too bad i only have GCN and not the wii:sick:. Halo 3 looks awsome because i played halo 1 and 2 with my Best Friend and it rocked(btw we played in co-op) and it would pawn if nintendo revised every GCN game that ever came out for it and classify them in proper genre and then adepted a set of four wii controls so there wouldnt be any need for GCN controllers.
Kil4Thril said:
MP3 is hell of a lot more fun than H3.

I understand your a fanboy, but speak for yourself. I played Metroid.. I beat metroid.. Yeah, it was fun. However where halo 3 beats it (in my opinion, no one elses) would have to be the multiplayer. Sorry if that offends you, but I can only play single player so many times. The multiplayer on halo 3 (while it is just a upscaled version of halo 2's) is addicting and I haven't been able to put it down since.

Also can you provide a link to show where Bungie called gamers "idiots".
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Nintendo has always in my opinion lacked graphics power especially in comparison to even the original playstation.


they have been second to none in the innovation department, and with the exception of the Gamecube (which other than signaling the final death of the cartridge in non-handheld gaming had no real innovation IMO) has always set the bar higher than anyone else in terms of creating new and more exciting ways to interface the player with the game.

who first used an analog stick? Nintendo. Who first introduced vibration? Nintendo.

Who first introduced motion-sensing technology? Nintendo (and not even with the Wii, mind you)

everyone else has always had to play catch-up in that regard, and not always to quite the level they could...Sony quickly debuted their Sixaxis controller soon after the Wii-mote was introduced, but in their haste, there is no rumble feature on Sixaxis.

so keeping all that in mind, Microsoft and Sony have to have -something- that makes their system better than the others. X360 boasts probably the best processor, graphics, and overall power, Sony while having slightly less power has their online features available for no charge, and Nintendo has the worst graphics but easily the most interactive interface scheme, broadest demographics (pure speculation there), and other features that the others just don't have, or can't have as good as wii.

long story short, they each have their pros and cons...graphics is just one of many variables to consider when choosing which console is the one you want...it's up to you to weigh them -all- out and pick which ones are important to you...and choose accordingly.

look 480p is 720i, 720p is 1080i, there is really no difference except that metroid has a real longer story then halo, halo 3 is incredibly short and metroid prime 3 is long, still they are both great games u cant compare them for what they are. Sure halo 3 has better graphics but give credit to mp3, it tried to make nex gen graphics and it worked it looks nex gen. And honestly i like them both equally

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