im an xbox player and Halo is overated. the first one was ground breaking but they have (in my opinion) been the same game over and over. this one with no exceptions its just halo 2 with a somewhat new story and better graphics, and a couple of new weapons. Only thing that makes halo 3 worth the purchase (in my opinion) is the multiplayer. I got the game at launch and have already played and beat the game on normal and the hardest difficulty leval Legendary. check my gamer tag if you need proof. on normal in 3 1/2 hours and on legendary 5 hours.
EXACTLY!! Halo 3 even uses the same gun shot sounds from Halo 1 and 2!? It's just 1 & 2 smashed together and sprinkled with 1080P. To be honest, I was let donw graphically by this game. Captain Keyes looks bad up close and don't even get me started on the commander. I actually let a friend borrow my Halo 3 LE until January because I was so disgusted. I mean Microsoft has made a killing off of hype. The game even had the freaking flood in it from teh Halo rings, WTF! The flood can fly ships now!? It was a horrible experience dipped in eye candy. MP3 to me does more than just rehash, it innovates also. This game uses (to me) the Wii controls flawlessly. The only other game that showed potential with the controls was Godfather:BE. Halo was, is, and will be over rated. The Wii has good games, the PS3 has good games, and the 360 has good games. Cash your check, review teh games, and make the purchase right for you.