Wii U's backwards online capability


WiiChat Member
Jan 6, 2011
Wii Online Code
We all know that the Nintendo Wii U will have its own network, but its backwards online capability is what I'm concerned about. Will the Wii U be capable of playing original wii games online? Tell me what your predictions are and why you're so sure of them!
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Hola amigo, I remember you. Welcome back to the forums bro. =)

I've had the same concern since the Wii U was announced, but quite a few people have been assurin' me all backwards compatibility capabilities will be there, even wi-fi 'n such for multiplayer. Ninty has also been relatively adamant in that their backwards compatibility will have everything in tact and playable, which I assume means wi-fi junk too.
Backwards online multiplayer? Sounds great. May even get a chance to get into MHTri again if that is so.
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Hola amigo, I remember you. Welcome back to the forums bro. =)I've had the same concern since the Wii U was announced, but quite a few people have been assurin' me all backwards compatibility capabilities will be there, even wi-fi 'n such for multiplayer. Ninty has also been relatively adamant in that their backwards compatibility will have everything in tact and playable, which I assume means wi-fi junk too.
It's great to be back! I do hope you're correct about the Wii U, because I'm looking forward to playing some wi-fi games on my Wii U. I don't know why, but I am. :D

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