Wii Update without WiiConnect24


WiiChat Member
Apr 29, 2007
Hi there,

is there any possibility to dowload the updates, burn it on cd or move it to the SD-Card. I can't connect the Wii to the internet, because it refuses the go ad-hoc, and I haven't the LAN adapter yet.


I don't think their is. Each Wii Update is recorded at Nintendo so they can keep track on whos downloaded what. Used for Metrics and also if you need to phone their support line, they know what status your system is at.
Haz said:
I don't think their is.

If you want to keep up the fight for proper English usage, you might want to beef up on the proof-reading. ;)
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please no dissing on typos! this is not part og the topic :wtf:, I thinks anyone here understood what Haz wrote.

anyways... thanks for the help. I hope the LAN adapter soon arrives.

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