Wii Update, Games, Gifting, and new Photo Channel!!

Yeah i was a bit pissed about removing the mp3 support. they could've left it on there and you know, ADD the ACC support. but of course nintendo is being difficult.

ah well.
i don't think i'll be updating the photo channel then since nintendo took off the MP3 support and added only ACC, I mean sure ACC might be better quality but a ton more people use MP3 compared to ACC
well you can download the Photo channel update and see if you like it and if you dont you can always remove it by going to data manager and going to channels and look for the Photo Channel 1.1 and delete it!

And If a game is sent to you and you download it and delete it later i THINK you can redownload it because it was downloaded to your system and it would know that it was downloaded to your system so you SHOULD be able to redownload it!!!
I really want to see the new photo channel, heard you can change your background.

Edit: Got the Update, u can't.
1.1 is worse... no mp3s...
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Yeah, I'm pretty pissed about the removal of the MP3 support also. I don't understand what the purpose of this update could be.

However, if you want, you can "roll back" to the older version. Just go to your Wii Channel settings and delete the v1.1 Photochannel. It will return it to the old version. And if you change your mind, you can always redownload v1.1 from the WiiShop Channel.