Wii U Will Only Allow Voice Chat For Select Games

hybrid -x1

~graceful assassin~
Sep 14, 2010
Shooting Star Suimmit
Wii Online Code

A Nintendo representative has confirmed to Kotaku that you'll only be able to voice chat with select games. Games that will be supported include Assassin's Creed 3 and Call of Duty: Black Ops 2. The Wii U GamePad includes a mic but you won't be able to use it with in-game voice chat. Instead, you will need to purchase a headset from Turtle Beach or Mad Catz which will plug into the headphone jack. As you may already know, the Wii U Pro Controller doesn't include a headphone port. You will have to use the headset on the Wii U GamePad, even if you want to play Black Ops 2 online with the Wii U Pro Controller.

Source: MyNintendoNews
You can't use the already built-in mic for communications? That's just... idiotic. Can't say I was much of a mic user for my 360 anyways, so while this doesn't at all concern me, not usin' what's already there is still bloody moronic.
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AND THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I SAID!!!! I love Ninty..but like I said earlier "**** you Nintendo for this beyond retarded move"

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