Wii Startup Disc confusion


Apr 30, 2006
New images of the Wii console packaging have surfaced today causing some confusion over the exact contents of the bundles.

Images taken from the back of the Wii packaging at a local EB Games store show the addition of a 'Wii Startup disc' along with the already known console,stand,power cables etc.

Rumours are circulating that the disc contains some kind of OS or firmware update for the console.

I think its pretty safe to assume its simply the Wii sports disc with a few added trailers or possible game demos on it too. The added extras would probably explain why they didnt just label it 'Wii Sports Disc'.. but who knows it could be something completely different.

What do you guys think the disc is for?

Source: http://www.joystiq.com/2006/10/18/back-of-the-wii-box-sparks-speculation/
Yeah i would agree with ion, its probably a bit like the bundle they used to do with the old xbox with 2 games and loads of trailers all on one disc. I think it was jet set radio future (great game) and gt racing or something
Maybe it's wii sports? or maybe like like what the others said, trailers and such?

OR even a disc that teachs you how to use a wiimote? some sort of training disc :lol:
Kool we getting closer to the time more and more!!!!!!!!!! cant wait!!!!!!!

Grrr im gona be so jealous when you get the wii coz ill have to wait for like two ro three weeks more ><
Hmm... Not sure. Though COLD has a pretty creative idea. A training disc. *Nod nod* Though I would also guess it might have Wii Sports on it, since Wii Sports isn't on the "Included:" list.
Like you guys said, it is Wii Sports. It's labelled as "Startup Disc" as a way of letting people know what they should start with, to get used to the Wiimote. Not sure why they called it that, as it's very misleading for people who don't know they're getting Wii Sports with it. Although it very well could be a format disc, to wipe the drive if you want to start fresh... Not sure why you would though.
How about a startup disc for WiiConnect24 the online service? Do we have info that the wii just automatically finds your wireless router and starts going online, or could this disc be the one time "startup" for all of the online services?
Maybe it just teaches you how to use all the channels and the wiimote and all that? +Wii Sports, makes sense dosent it?

Wii Sports
Learn the Wii Remote
Learn the Channels
Learn WiiConnect24

Everything like that?
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