Wii Sports..Wii Play....Whats next?

The Plague

Village Idiot
Apr 7, 2007
Wii Online Code
So, they already equipped the Wii with Wii Sports at launch, and recently released Wii Play..

Whats next? Maybe a Wii Sports 2?..Say with, i.e. - football, basketball, volleyball...

Or a greater Wii Play game?..Maybe with Darts?! :D
Wii Music and Wii Fitness if I remember right...
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Wii Music?!?! Wii Fitness?!?! Explain
Wii Music will be all the demos they showed off way back when (Drums, Conducting) and more I'm guessing...

Wii Fitness is a mystery mind...if its anywhere as good at working up a sweat as the bag training on Wii Sports boxing, I'll be happy!
whats up

Jay61 said:
Wii Music will be all the demos they showed off way back when (Drums, Conducting) and more I'm guessing...

Wii Fitness is a mystery mind...if its anywhere as good at working up a sweat as the bag training on Wii Sports boxing, I'll be happy!

I totally agree... by the way im insane...jkasdghsdagljhalsjkhgkhsdgf
Isn't there a Wii motor sports comming out too? It will have the airplane bemo we saw a long time ago and others...
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I don't understand what you are all talking about...These demos, I never heard of them..

However, I was fortunate enough to play Wii Play right when the Wii was released.. How is this possible? My mall had a little area with 4 Nintendo Wiis...It was basically a place people can go to and play games on..All the Wiis were taken (One was WiiSports, other was Excite Truck, other was TP)..The only open one was a whole bunch of mini games...I played it with my brother and I really enjoyed billiards...Then I came to realize Wii Play was released and it was the exact same thing I played at the plaza.

Now I have a Wii Play. :thumbsup:
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Backwards Man said:
Isn't there a Wii motor sports comming out too? It will have the airplane bemo we saw a long time ago and others...
Actually I remember hearing about that too...

I think Nintendo have hundreds of lil tech demos made that they tested the remote with and arent sure which to show off and release and what to just bin.

Then again thats just me thinking out loud heh.
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Wii Music - Control a set of drums or conduct an orchestra w/ the Wii Remote and Nunchuck.

Wii Motor Sports - Control a plane by tilting the Wii Remote sideways.

Those are the 2 confirmed games, although there is no actual release date. One things for sure...no time soon.
As people said Wii Music, Wii Motor Sports, and Wii Health are definately in the works. Motor sports only demoed the airplane, I'm sure it'll have more stuff though. Wii Health was one of the main reasons I bought my wii, hopefully it'll be out soon.

Wii Sports 2 has more or less been confirmed as well, just nothing has really been said about it. I'm 100% sure it'll come eventually though.

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