Wii Sports Guide: Secrets & Tips

About the quick serve in tennis, I have found that it is a matter of a flick of the wrist. Try holding the wii remote vertically, push A for the tossup and when the ball is at its highest point flick your wrist quickly forwards and almost always you can achieve a really fast serve.

As for the boxing, I have managed to achieve pro status. I have found that dodging left and right continuously throughout the match helps alot. This is because when your opponent throws a punch and misses he leaves himself wideopen so you can get in a big punch. You have to react quickly in order to achieve this. When your opponent misses you get a sort of slow motion feeling on the screen and this is the time to get in a good punch. Also note that when your opponents bar power is low it is always better to hit a big punch to knock him down instead of just compromising with jabs just to finish his power.

Hope these tips work 4 u as they do for me!!!!!!!!
Does anyone have any tips for Bowling? I used to be good but i seem to have lost my touch and I'm tired of my girlfriend kicking my ass in bowling every time we play :mad5:
Why do you push "A" for toss up in tennis? personally i flick the remote up as you would toss the ball up
It is just easier to focus on flicking your wrist forwards only so to get the power serve right. If u r able to achieve the power serve by flicking your wrist upwards to toss the ball and then formwards to hit the power serve then there is no problem at all!!!!!!

As for tips in bowling i have found that curling the ball from left to right is the most effective for me being right handed. Try this :

Move your mii to the left so the line you r throwing at is on the second arrow on the floor (from left to right). Then push "A" to change the angle of the line u r throwing at and bring the line to cover the fourth arrow on the floor (from left to right. This sould give you a good throwing angle. When you throw the ball flick your wrist to the left so to make the ball curl into the side of the no1 pin and you should be in for a good throw. It works for me anyway :) Hope that helps
2ZeBeach said:
Does anyone have any tips for Bowling? I used to be good but i seem to have lost my touch and I'm tired of my girlfriend kicking my ass in bowling every time we play :mad5:

In bowling,I'm a righty so,first i line up my mii all the way to the right where the dotted line is exactly between the gutter & the bowling lane (On the edge).Then on the curve I line up the dotted line very slightly to the right side of the 3 pin.Then when I throw,I spin the ball counterclockwise.(I should put up a video of this). I bowled a few 300's & my pro statis is 1582.Good Luck. PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE.:ihih:
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2ZeBeach said:
Does anyone have any tips for Bowling? I used to be good but i seem to have lost my touch and I'm tired of my girlfriend kicking my ass in bowling every time we play :mad5:

My wife picked up a Wii Controller for the first time last weekend and within an hour was thoroughly thrashing my ass in bowling. Trust me that was not my shining moment.:mad2:

My question is control in tennis. is there anyway to better control the ball handling? I've been trying hard, doing target practice and I just can't seem to get any better. I've gotten up to 13 targets as a personal best, but that took some serious effort. I'm just tired of using the gentlest movements as possible and having the ball just fireball at the wall or go flying way out when I'm trying to drop it just over the net. If anyone can help me out with a little love there I would greatly appreciate it.
hah my wife owns me in bowling too. i bowled my best game(233, im no pete weber) and my wife beat me by 40 pins that game :/

i can't for the life of me get the ball to not curve, same problem i have in real bowling. she can roll it straight as an arrow, curve left or even curve right which i cant understand.
HauntingTheHoly said:
In boxing it seems like the best punches by far are jabs. I can uppercut just fine, but against higher level opponents (700 or so) any time I think about adding hooks or uppercuts to my repetoire, I just get pwned.

Jabs are definitely the best openers, but by far the most damage I've found to put on someone comes from combos following jabs. Jabs set you up and give you that split second you need to wrap that hook around or sink the uppercut in. It seems to take a lot more life off when you have a good two or three hit combo.
On tennis, how do you put side spin on the ball. I have figured out that if you want to lob the ball you swing up to the ceiling.
SteveM said:
for the life of me, I can't get the court to change to blue, I know its not a big deal, but I've tried everything... am I missing something?
when the screen goes black press and hold two till you get to the screen where you chosse the number of matches you want to compete in...hoped this helped
and also on tennis, when you serve just before you throw it up andhit it hold a and b to do a power hit...this works 2-5times a match...
Tennis Help!!!!

When we tried the system in New York, the tennis match was one on one.
My console only gives me a doubles match (2 on 2)
Is there a way to change this?

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