Wii Sport - Tennis Question


WiiChat Member
Jan 5, 2008
When playing tennis on Wii Sport and you, "serve a fast ball" does anyone know how you get it to do that or does it just happen every so often. I can not tell if it is doing it every so often or if I am accidentally doing something to make it happen. Thanks!!
You've got to time it so that the ball is at the height of your throw, then swing. That'll get you your power serve.
Yeah you gotta swing for the ball when it is at the very top of your throw and if you do that then you get a fast serve. :]
In order to do this easier, hit the A button to toss the ball and swing the Remote. It's easier to time.
As mentioned above, timing is the key factor here. Time your shot so you swing when the tennis ball is at it's peak height. It won't work all the time though, it takes practice and luck, but you'll get the hang of it.
idjut said:
In order to do this easier, hit the A button to toss the ball and swing the Remote. It's easier to time.

Thanks :cool:
On a side note, I was wondering this same thing, thanks for asking the question.
the way i do it . works almost every time. i wait until the ball is at its height then turn the wiimote upside down and swing down with it. i read that somewhere and it does work pretty good

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