Wii Speak Code

how do you get the wii speak code is it in the game or on the wii speak
wii speak code channel ??

ok im new so dont laugh

im great with pc's just got a wii been a few years

so clue me in with the wii chat and all these cool channels

so i dont have to google a million things lol ive dl a few things im connected on my wifi so what other stuff is a must have

thanx :wink:
Hello my name is Zee.

Hello this is my first time with wii friend code and I really need some friends
:frown5:please be my friend:frown5: my wii friend code is 2224-2362-3812-9891
WII speak

Hey i have wii speak but no registered friends.my compatible games with wii speak are nba 2k10 and 11.I have alot of other internet games to PLEASE leave your code mine is 6715140175992146.Also u cn email me at terencemartin431@gmail.com. THANX.
Omg!!!!!!! No wii friends!!!!!!!

:frown5:I HAV WII SPEAK.MY CODE IS-6715140175992146 ADD ME THEN ILL ADD U
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new and i need friends

hi im new tothe wii speak andi eed ppl to add me. Im ot ew to Aimal Crossig but 1st time ive ever been online with it so i need friends there too! my screen name is Love-420 plz add me! :)

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