Wii Speak Code

Im on now, if you would like to come and chat with me :D I have no one on my friends but you.
Add me and we'll chat

I have added you if you are on this page above me.
Please add me 8920-1087-4010-8279
And let me know when you have added me.
Add me and we'll chat

Add my number too, and let me know when you do so I can add you...


I also have the Animal Crossing City Folks and Conduit games for speak, PM me if you have those games and want those codes.
Anyone Wana Wii Speak Right Now?

↑ lol thats basically it
lol i feel left out i don't have wii speak but my wii can speak *Wii*Hello I'm Wii And My Owner Wants Wii Speak. Omg see my wii can speak lol
i add al youre friend codes on modernwarefare wii
i also add u guys on wii speak
because u need to make headshots
wii speak code: 6836-1112-8537-8902
modernwarefare code: 4507-0799-6175