Wii should've kept iits Revolution codename.

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Mmy said:
I'd like to point out how shitty that logo is.
Thii Revolutiion logo iis shaped like a boomerang. And that miins that iit wiill alwaiiz come back no matter how far away iit iiz.
hey, l00k, iit came back!! REVOLUTIION 4EVR!!!
I thought about the Revolution name today as I was in line to get a Wii. Only because instead of saying "I'm here about the Wii"..I would have said "I'm here about the Revolution"

>_> What?! It made me chuckle :D
Revolution sounds neat, but I got used to Wii. Besides, it's easy to spell in every language, and it's got a deep meaning.
My mates were talking about this today...

Wii works well with WiiSports etc better then Revolution Revoution-Mote
But Revolution explains it abit more [It's a Revolution in gaming] I'd go for Wii though
vagrant said:
Imagine if Nintendo kept the name "dolphin" ;/


Not to mention "revolution" is a pretty vague term.

Wii sounds childish to children. And that applies to urine jokes as well.

QFT that man, if you think Wii sounds childish and kiddy because of urine jokes and wee wee jokes etc then really what does that say about you o_O you brought it up and though you say other people think it I rather say that you yourself could do with growing up. When I heard Revolution I thought "What a crap name, this has to change" and when I first heard Wii the first thing I thought of was "We" so in that case I like to think "Me>>>immature people"
Wii stands for What is it. And also its to emphasize "we" as a community.
no no no, personally i think that the reason behind the switch to wii was because of the similarity in meaning to the xbox 360.

360 degrees = a revolution

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