Wii Shop Channel Under Maintenance

HOPEFULLY, it is that they are adding DLC for GH3:lol: rofl.
Actually hopefully they are adding a 'download a patch to fix a mono game that should be Dolby ProLogic II Channel'
That is my wish nintendo:yesnod:

But on a serious note....maybe its just broken, small tweaks/matience etc.
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dark samus said:
probably just your mind messing with you

yeah my brain hates me ,

but it was down for about 30 mins so it might have been running by the timme some of you checked

Who cares now anyway !
well maybe they are putting the gift function on it right now
yea i have a feeling they are changing stuff around for the gift channel to go well. its getting close to the holidays so they better get crackin if that isnt what they shut it down for
knowing nintendo they are just updating and keeping the shop channel up-to-date. hopefully in the near future the virtual keyboard won't come up if you are using a REAL keyboard.
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well i really hope they are putting the gift function on there along with the everybody's nintendo channel
matthewj said:
well i really hope they are putting the gift function on there along with the everybody's nintendo channel
whats everybody's nintendo channel
Well has anything happened???

I dont have my wii in my wifi spot downtown and i wont either so can you tell me what happened!!

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