Wii Shop Channel not connecting


WiiChat Member
Dec 28, 2010
Ok, my Wii was working for the past year with no problems. Nothing has changed with my wifi or router.
I had the Netflix app on it and worked fine before the weekend. I can go onto to the weather channel and news channel. The Wii recognizes and tested fine for the wifi connection. Now the Netflix app is gone and trying to log back into the Wii Shopping Channel, it starts to load, with screen with the spinning blue circle. That is as far it goes. Repeated tries results in the same thing. I left it on last night before going to bed only to come out this morning to the same place.

I have no idea what is going on or how to fix it. Any help?
Once again, nothing has changed with my internet service, my router or settings on the router that has been working perfectly for over a year.
Try shut down your router and modem for a min. Then turn on your modem first and wait a few mins then your router. Afterwards delete the netflix channel and redownload it and redo your netflix account.
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Nope. Already tried that and doesn't work. Just gets to the load screen for the Shopping Channel and stays there.
Set your Wii with a static IP address and then put it on the DMZ on the router.

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