Wii screen blackouts with component video at 480p?


WiiChat Member
Nov 27, 2007
Hey guys,
I just got the component video cables for my Wii, and so far it looks great. The only problem is that every 5-10 seconds, the screen flickers black for a second or so. Then it comes back shortly after. This is incredibly annoying when playing games. I've heard of other people having problems, and that this is a Nintendo Wii hardware issue. Is there a fix yet? Have you had similar problems?

quantum543 said:
Hey guys,
I just got the component video cables for my Wii, and so far it looks great. The only problem is that every 5-10 seconds, the screen flickers black for a second or so. Then it comes back shortly after. This is incredibly annoying when playing games. I've heard of other people having problems, and that this is a Nintendo Wii hardware issue. Is there a fix yet? Have you had similar problems?


What company cables do you have? I have nintendo component cables, and they work fine with no blackouts.
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There's no Nintendo logo on it, so it's a third-party cable. Interestingly, though, I heard this problem is most common with the first-party Nintendo cable. Don't know if that's true or not, though.
Sounds like your TV is trying to automatically detect settings. See if you can get to your TV's menu and manually set up to ONLY use the component input and make sure your Wii is ONLY in 480p output.

Dubb's Wii said:
not sure what the problem could be. Maybe TV settings. What the hell is bump?:wtf:

/bump is what you do when your thread has been left behind and you want it to shoot back up top.

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