Wii ROCKS sales in Christmas!!! :)

R8DERHED said:
Those numbers don't mean squat! What's to get excited about when those numbers have clearly been enhanced? I'm sure the hording drop of Dec 15th & 16th is responsible for creating those illusive numbers in an attempt to secure the #1 console of the year. Well I am sure it is reguardless, BUT leads me to suspect other things.

Now why would they do something like this? Is Nintendo feeling threatend by the other systems? Nah. No reason to be. Or maybe to fatten end of year bonuses? Massage the stocks? Profit Sharing boost? There is something fishy goinig on!!!

1.5 million units in week is great and all, but that number would have never happend if they didn't ask the large retailers to participate in a Wii hord that has created Wii madness across the globe. Just think, if those units were available througout the whole time, there probably would not have been such a huge market for $500+ Wii Sport bundles and more people could have gotten one for X-mas for retail price, but instead many people who would have never bought a Wii in the first place made some real good money of the dummies who payed more than double for a toy! It has even gone as far as people getting severely injured or even killed over a Wii?

Way to go Nintendo!

I love my Wii and I didn't fall victim to paying over retail for the 3 systems I bought (the other two I gave to my bro, and my niece and nephew for xmas) at the Target down the street from my house. I bought them in early December. I just stayed persistant and finally got them.

Ahhhhh man come on it doesn't matter! They still sold way more than any one! I mean hell I could see SONY trying to do this but really they produce 1.8 million a month now! You guys forget that new comers want this system. So you got gamers and their parents wanting this box. That has never happened!

Really nintendo gets nothing out of this and it was like this when it first started selling which should show you that people just plain want this system.
I mean really when the xbox360 can cook hot pockets and ramn noodles it will become the system of choice...LOL.

Nintendo really has some thing to prove this gen. The hype is not about the shortage it is about the games , Wii sports. If the PS3 did the same thing and horded numbers then it would have the same situation. Yet no one cares about the shortage of the PS3... get it? they have no Wii sports! I'll admit I haven't played it in a long long it because I play my harder games a lot more. Yet when I want to show other people gaming is fun the Wii wins hands down. Hell I even show them crysis and they are like ok cool let me try that Wii again.

What is funny is HD gaming is a lot like CG final fantasy movies. People think they look great but no one goes to see them. Really the only people killing gaming is the gamers it seems? Yet the Wii is doing fine? Gamers are having fun and the hardcore are bored.... Weird huh?
sagema said:
YES! I predicted the Wii would sell 18 million units this year and they are at the goal! That means you guys should take me seriously for my next prediction. End of 2008 the Wii will have 50 million units sold by then. Sony is catching up to Microsoft, and like I said if these two duke it out next year for second place they will only propel Nintendo to an insane lead. One of these two needs to decimate the other or the console wars will be like the prior with the PS2 in the lead and the other two, GC, Xbox sharing second place in almost a tie.

Not doubting you but do you know if they have the manufacturing capacity to hit that?

Amazing that they sold 1.5m units the week before christmas but what would the numbers have been if there were more available?

I too would like to see Nintendo give PS3 and XB360 a thrashing, mostly so that the idea of "Lets put 8 3.2ghz processors in, that will make it better" goes down the tubes and game developers get back in line with people who play games (not gamers necceserily but people who play games)
WiitnessID said:
Well why does your sig have BWii in it? Stop generalizing and you will be a much happier gamer. How many good games do you need for it to offer enough good games for you, just wondering? Or is it certain game play you seek? Ignored the shovel ware and your selection of good games should easily match the games number on the 2nd place system.

Some times I wonder how long it's going to take the japan effect to spread. The first sign of it was people not playing games because of the game play but rather other standards. Be careful or you will become a victim of what you like. Or shall I say take for granted. The same hate that people have for the Wii can be turned on the other systems.

The only thing missing from the nintendo formula right now is the presents of the hype train. Hell they didn't even advertise most of their hardcore games this year. Hey but really if you are hardcore then you should have known what came out!

Also too the real fad is showing up this gen. You know what it is and it's called HD! Hell we could play on 3d projectors but we would still be playing the same games would we not? Yet the extra textures are great yet, normal mapping WOW, but you just wait it wears off and soon you expect every thing to use just that to wow you. I remember going to the arcade and experiencing the same thing. I loved the graphics but would I pay for them? Hell no 1 dollar WTF. Now crysis is a perfect example of this which is on the PC. I can afford to get a 360 and PS3 and the new Quad Core duos with as much ram as I need! Yet most people don't have extra cash.

It's a case of loving a Lambo yet not wanting to pay for it. The HD system only show gamers what the next gen graphics will be like with out next gen game play or ideas. This is the main problem.

People love to call Wii sport a non game or a mini game yet fail to realize gaming has always been about mini games, they just called those stages or level bonus stages LOL. I mean I wish people could make good mini games again some times! I tired of the bad story based games!

Hey but thats me! Who knows what every one else thinks!
didnt even read your post, but the person i quoted was saying compared to the 360/ps3 blah blah about games, and the wii lacks them. the reason i have a bwii sig is because i support games that go against nintendo's franchises and try to bring something new to nintendo's consoles, but bwii failed anyways.

i also find it amusing how people try to talk about games yet are so ignorant when it comes to the knowledge of them, shown in this thread.
WiitnessID said:
Ahhhhh man come on it doesn't matter! They still sold way more than any one! I mean hell I could see SONY trying to do this but really they produce 1.8 million a month now! You guys forget that new comers want this system. So you got gamers and their parents wanting this box. That has never happened!

Really nintendo gets nothing out of this and it was like this when it first started selling which should show you that people just plain want this system.
I mean really when the xbox360 can cook hot pockets and ramn noodles it will become the system of choice...LOL.

Nintendo really has some thing to prove this gen. The hype is not about the shortage it is about the games , Wii sports. If the PS3 did the same thing and horded numbers then it would have the same situation. Yet no one cares about the shortage of the PS3... get it? they have no Wii sports! I'll admit I haven't played it in a long long it because I play my harder games a lot more. Yet when I want to show other people gaming is fun the Wii wins hands down. Hell I even show them crysis and they are like ok cool let me try that Wii again.

What is funny is HD gaming is a lot like CG final fantasy movies. People think they look great but no one goes to see them. Really the only people killing gaming is the gamers it seems? Yet the Wii is doing fine? Gamers are having fun and the hardcore are bored.... Weird huh?

They want you to believe that they don't get get anything out of it. Thats bolonga! Then why even bother making the system? It's all about money. Don't get me wrong, the Wii is a hellova product and I do really love it. But they are making a killing and using some tactics that should be frowned upon. To create a fasade just to lock in as THE BEST SYSTEM EVER (to date of course) while in the meantime creating a "Will Kill for a Wii" Market, I'm sorry but thats just not right.

You can't believe everything you read. You have to look at the big picture and not just one or two articles where THEY claim that they only make $50 a unit (or whatever the alleged minute number is) or that they have not created a shortage to increase the demand which I have explained in my previous post. I'm sorry but I call BS. I mean yeah you have a system that people who normally never game are now buying these (including me), but with all the hype and casual talk that you hear in public about the whole Wii thing has practically brainwashed many people into believing that they do infact need one! I myself kind of fell into that brainwash and ended up going to the Target every single day on my lunch break and on the way home just to get a Wii. Luckily I didn't go any further than that as to spend about 2 car payments on a friggin toy!

Nintendo is making some serious money on this and in the meanwhile families are going broke and people are doing some really stupid things to get one. I don't know how else to put it. I'm sure you can find many news articles on some rediculous incidents involving a Wii.
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Whys everyone arguing?
Over some numbers you sound like a group of math teachers at dinner.
The fact is that Wii has [Apparently] sold the most units this Christmas.
As long as everyone is happy with the console they have who cares? [Unless you have stocks in Nintendo or summat]

Man, why I bother? The same thread will be up next year
lenitao3 said:
OMG....i've just found the latest Hardware - worldwide sales!!!

Wii has sold more than 1.5 millions in 1 week!!
(about 1 million more than it's rivals)


Week ending: 22nd Dec 2007
----- Japan - America - Others ----Total

NDs - 319,209 - 905,868 - 821,575 2,046,652

Wii - 268,954 - 740,791 - 448,127 1,457,872

PSP - 175,346 - 278,968 - 271,056 725,370

Ps3 - 55,119 - 226,263 - 338,006 619,388

Xbox360 - 8,580 - 367,304 - 218,636 594,520

source: www.vgchartz.com

yeah....Ps3 passes Xbox360.....it's Wii's victory (once more)

Ha, Nintendo ftw.

On a serious note, I can't believe Ps3 surpassed X360 on sales. I bet it's because most the gamers already have a 360, hahaha. >.> The friggin' Ps3 doesn't even have rumble controllers.

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Sovieto said:
lol another nintendo drone

watch out!!!
ow....thanks!! i love you too....how kind of you!!

i'm not a nintendo "fanboy" as you may call it...
last gen, i was on the ps2 side........
this time i am on wii's side.....because it offers FUN....more than the other systems

if you think i'm a "drone" as you may call it, i'm 50% Nintendo, 35% Sony and 15% Microsoft.....see???

the Wii is smashing the other 2 consoles like it or not....1 million is a big difference (with supply problems)!!!
R8DERHED said:
They want you to believe that they don't get get anything out of it. Thats bolonga! Then why even bother making the system? It's all about money. Don't get me wrong, the Wii is a hellova product and I do really love it. But they are making a killing and using some tactics that should be frowned upon. To create a fasade just to lock in as THE BEST SYSTEM EVER (to date of course) while in the meantime creating a "Will Kill for a Wii" Market, I'm sorry but thats just not right.

You can't believe everything you read. You have to look at the big picture and not just one or two articles where THEY claim that they only make $50 a unit (or whatever the alleged minute number is) or that they have not created a shortage to increase the demand which I have explained in my previous post. I'm sorry but I call BS. I mean yeah you have a system that people who normally never game are now buying these (including me), but with all the hype and casual talk that you hear in public about the whole Wii thing has practically brainwashed many people into believing that they do infact need one! I myself kind of fell into that brainwash and ended up going to the Target every single day on my lunch break and on the way home just to get a Wii. Luckily I didn't go any further than that as to spend about 2 car payments on a friggin toy!

Nintendo is making some serious money on this and in the meanwhile families are going broke and people are doing some really stupid things to get one. I don't know how else to put it. I'm sure you can many news articles on some rediculous incidents involving a Wii.

You made two posts accusing Nintendo of duplicity. Can you provide some hard evidence of this please?
Then explain the December 16th flood. How are all of those major retailers going to do the same exact thing on the same exact day? Record companies have agreements with retailers on actual release dates but yet they already have the product in back. You don't think Nintendo can make them sign a contract on an order? Especially when the retailers know that every single piece will be sold and will not have to sit on a shelf for more than a couple of hours? Come on, it all happend on the same day!

These numbers were for the week ending the 22nd right? The 16th was the first day of that week and the last solid shopping day to get those numbers locked in before the end of the week. If you can't see whats going on well I'm sorry. I'm not going to paint a picture for you when the masterpiece is already there.
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i think this is something good for Nintendo.....finally they understood what they did wrong with "Game Cube"

Sony focuses on quality instead of FUN losing the main point.....

it's much more likely now that both, both Ds and Wii will rule!!!
Nintendo is back..... :)
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lenitao3 said:

You're right lenitao. I didn't realize how sensitive people are on this forum and I didn't mean to upset/offend anyone with a harmless debate.

Anyway, I'm glad they made such a fun machine. I haven't done any console gaming since PS2 first dropped. I can't stop playing it!
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sagema said:
YES! I predicted the Wii would sell 18 million units this year and they are at the goal! That means you guys should take me seriously for my next prediction. End of 2008 the Wii will have 50 million units sold by then. Sony is catching up to Microsoft, and like I said if these two duke it out next year for second place they will only propel Nintendo to an insane lead. One of these two needs to decimate the other or the console wars will be like the prior with the PS2 in the lead and the other two, GC, Xbox sharing second place in almost a tie.

I don't think that Nintendo of Japan, NOA and NOE can mass produce the 32,000,000 units that you've just predicted. And even if they did mass produce THAT MANY, do you really think they can sell that much? I'd say 50,000 by the end of 2009 is a better bet. 35,000,000 by the end of 2008 seems much more logical.
50,000? Oh theyll sell plenty more than 50,000 trust me. You wallk through the shops and hear people talking bout buying a Wii... and I'm talking 20yr old teen girls, 40yr old adults, 60yr old grandparents, 5yr old children...I dont think 50mill by Christmas next year is unreasonable, especially with a price drop to sweeten the deal.
Mario kart......

Deanis said:
50 million eh. Tough call, but one I'll stick by. The release of SSBB and WiiFit, should help encourage that number. Same as if Nintendo release the black one.

You forgot MARIO KART WII!!!!!
