wii remote situation


WiiChat Member
Mar 1, 2008
I'm not sure if this is common or maybe my Wii remote is just broken more or less. When my Wii remote drops anywhere from 3/4 - 2/4 battery life it'll start spazing out on me. Now let me elaborate what I mean by this.

When I was playing Wii and they battery life showed full everything was find and dandy with the hand cursor. As it dropped from full to 3/4 the hand started to shake rapidly on the screen. I figured that maybe my hand was just shaking no big deal, so I set it down on my desk and made sure the hand would still be viewable. as it just sat there the hand cursor's shaking progressively became greater and greater. At this time I was using the Psyclone Recharge Station battery backs, I thought maybe something was up with the one pack, so I changed the packs and it worked fine. When it dropped to 3/4 batter life on the other pack, the same situation occurred and I assumed that the recharge kit sucked and didn't work. I put regular batteries in the Wii remote and everything was working fine until it hit 2/4 life and the shaking commenced once again. I'm not sure if this is a common situation but any advice as to what I should do would be great.
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if the only thing affected is pointing then have you checcked the sensitivity level of your sensor bar?

it in the wii setup menus. :)

i love the wii! see here:)
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Yuppers, checked the sensitivity, I forgot to mention that as well.
zelpar said:
Yuppers, checked the sensitivity, I forgot to mention that as well.
is there only two dots on the sensor bar sensitivity screen while the remote is shaking?... if there is only two dots then you'll have to call nintedo's techsupport. :(
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appreciate the help, I actually brought the wii remote back to the store I purchased it from. They were nice about it and allowed me to exchange the wii remote with another one. They said if there's any complications with this one to bring it back. Weird thing though is i noticed the LEDs on the bottom of the wii remote were really dim compared to the other one I just bought yesterday
The LEDs dim when the battery is just about dead. Or maybe people complained that they were too bright and the light was "bleeding" into the other 3 openings. Who knows.

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