Wii remote power cord?

Only 30 hours?! ****! I'm gunna NEED some of those USB batteries! :p
I was actually just reading a review on those USB-charging batteries and apparently they take 5 HOURS to fully charge, which is pretty bad. You could buy atleast a 4-pack of larger capacity, faster charging AAs and a charger for about the same price as two of these USB batteries.:( Cool concept, though.:)
NateTheGreat said:
Oh, and while searching for a source on this, look what I found:

You can read more about them here.

These would be perfect for Wii if Nintendo doesn't make a battery pack because you could get four and have two plugged into the Wii's back USB ports and when the ones in the wiimote are running low, just switch 'em.:yesnod:

that is the coolest thing ive ever seen
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NateTheGreat said:
I was actually just reading a review on those USB-charging batteries and apparently they take 5 HOURS to fully charge, which is pretty bad. You could buy atleast a 4-pack of larger capacity, faster charging AAs and a charger for about the same price as two of these USB batteries.:( Cool concept, though.:)
I agree that buying an actual charger with rechargeable batteries is the preferred option; but you gotta admit that USB-recharging batteries are a bit more universal. You could recharge those ANYWHERE. :)
Yeah, I agree. I find it odd that these USB-rechargable batteries haven't taken off and become popular. I guess most people just haven't heard of them.

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