Wii remote has a mind of its own!


WiiChat Member
Jan 1, 2010
When my son is using the remote the cursor keeps jumping around erratically and, in games, the character also keeps jumping around with out the remote being used - which means my son can't play the game at all because the remote won't co-operate. Does anyone have any ideas what to do? Thank you.
Try changing the batteries to new ones in the remote as that can cause the problem. Also make sure there is nothing blocking the sensor bar and no sunlight is shining on it.
The cursor jumping around is caused by interference between the remotes IR camera and the sensor bar. Too much light in the room can cause this. Also make sure there is a clear line of sight between the remote and the sensor bar.

It also sounds like you've got a stuck accelerometer (this causes a character to behave erratically with waggle commands when the remote is not being moved). The proper Nintendo recommended fix is to turn the remote face down (battery door facing up) and give the remote a firm whack into your other hand. This will free up the accelerometers. You may have to do it a couple of times. If this doesn't fix it, then the remote is probably defective, call Nintendo.
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Wii remote

Thank you very much - I have been told it now works properly!

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