Wii Release Date

that cat be a countdown for when they tell the release date cuz that would be in NOVEMBER and that would only be knowing when it would be released. most sites say it will be sometime around october NOT november, but then again they could be releasing it at cristmas which would be smart!
If anything it will be most likely to release in november (I know that most of you are looking forward to a release date in October, but what possibly could Nintendo want to achieve by unveiling it in Oct.?) Sure they would get a month's head start on sony if they did release it in oct., but the real marketing strategy is to uncover it before Christmas. I think it will release before Sony, but not way before the PS3. I believe Nintendo wants to make sure their new-gen console is top-notch before releasing in the months of September and August and I'd rather have it that way than rushing the it. Does anyone agree with me here or am i krazy (as my name implies)?
yea i do krazy thats wat i was saying before, even if they COULD release it in october they would wait a lil while so it could be closer to cristmas
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Guys, why is this thread still being posted in o_O it was created ages ago, the link disproved and yet it's still alive, the mind boggles.

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