WII RECALL? What is happening 11/20?

4dm said:
I hope there is not a Wiicall... The last thing I want to do is send my console back to Nintendo and have to wait 6 months for supply to catch up to demand.

There's no recall.
The retailers are doing that in order to have enough stock for "Black Friday", which just happens to be 11/23 this year. I'm not surprised in the least that retailers are holding stock for the next fews weeks, so they can capitilize on selling Wiis on the largest shopping day of the year.
maybe they're getting them ready for christmas?

or they want it to be sold with wii zapper and such?
samXcor3 said:
This is just to make people want it more, since its not in stock. supply and demand.

Its a good strategy, especially with the holiday season comming up...dang, just think, they hold back Wii's for a month, and as the holiday shopping season gets into high gear right around thanksgiving, they flood the stores with tons of Wii's, so everyone anticipating one will get it. Great strategy.
Skippy said:
Brawny said:
Ugh..... It is not...... most likely related to the artificial hype nintendo is putting on the Wii.
If a store is holding back inventory, then that would be something the store is doing, not Nintendo. Nintendo is not preventing anyone from selling Wiis before then.

well i used to work at wal mart and i dont know if nintendo is doing this but i know that if a company says dont sell this until a certain date then you cant sell. If you do sale it cost your store a $10,000 fine so nintendo could be doing this there is not rule saying they cant.
Belmont said:
well i used to work at wal mart and i dont know if nintendo is doing this but i know that if a company says dont sell this until a certain date then you cant sell. If you do sale it cost your store a $10,000 fine so nintendo could be doing this there is not rule saying they cant.

That's typically only for new things that have a specific release date. The Wii has been out for nearly a year already. Nintendo is not telling anyone to suddenly stop selling it.
i know that best buy does this all the time they don't sell them until that sunday because it is in their sunday add which still does not make sense because it does not matter when they sell it they are still making money reguardless....so hold inventory does not make them more money it is the same. the only time that they would make extra money on something is if they had extra for some reason or another.
hotrod0327 said:
i know that best buy does this all the time they don't sell them until that sunday because it is in their sunday add which still does not make sense because it does not matter when they sell it they are still making money reguardless....so hold inventory does not make them more money it is the same. the only time that they would make extra money on something is if they had extra for some reason or another.

if its in their ad they have to have a decent amount of the product in stock, that's why they hold it.
