Wii / Projector Problems

Wii Dad

WiiChat Member
Jan 25, 2009
I have connected my Wii to a video matrix which sends all signals from my DVD, Cable Box, and Wii to an overhead projector depending upon which selection is made.

When I select the Wii the picture is there, but it is in black and white with plenty of lines, etc on the screen. Looks kind of like an old analog TV signal back in the day.

Any ideas? I am using composite cables, but have component if necessary. Just didn't think the nature of this problem would be solved by a cable change.

Thanks for your help!!!!!!!!!!!
you should try both cables.
just a tip check your cables again.
i have had that same problem countless amount of time and the wires were setup incorrectly.
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Projector problem has changed

I checked the composite cable connection and it looked fine.

I went ahead and installed the component cables just to see what would happen. When I did that thr projected improved (became color without all the lines), BUT THE IMAGE ON MY LCD TELEVISION IS IN BLACK AND WHITE!!!!!!!!!!! The problem swapped from one to the other.


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