component problem!


WiiChat Member
Feb 9, 2007
Wii Online Code

I got a little problem and just wondering if anyone here got a solution for me!

I got my Wii and the component cables to Connect to my Projector! but the thing is I need to plug it to my sound system too!

I was thinking about connect it to my DVD then connect my DVD ( which is connected to my sound system) to my Projector all via component cable put I just realise my DVD only got 1 component output...

any solution would be appreciated!

Does you sound system have an open spot for audio? If so you can use a RCA extention on the red and white audio cables and plug directly to your sound system.
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no, my sound system got: optical, coax and the plug for sound card ( green, yellow and black thing)!

I'll try to find so adapter or something... if I can't find anything I'll just buy another dvd player with component in and out! might be cheaper than buying adapters and more cables...

thanks anyways
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I fixed it... I bought a HDTV decoder.. so now I can play my Wii with the component cables and watch HD TV yeahheeyeahhheeeee

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