wii points for newbie


WiiChat Member
Mar 6, 2007
Wii Online Code
please dont shout at me if this is somewhere else but i am a total newbie and im struggling here.
ive managed to connect my wii to my wireless router but when i link my email adress with my nintendo account but i have no wii points.
i have 705 stars in my account online are these different?
sorry for being so thick
i hope someone can help me.
Do you mean points to download Virtual console games? If so they need to be purchased either online using a credit card, or you can purchase then from stores (like mobile phone top-up cards)
yeah he means those points, but is asking something about them...

in the UK you can use your star points (points you gather by registering your nintendo purachases online) and you can use them to 'buy' things from nintendo, soon we can use these star points to 'buy' VC points

only thing is, you cant do it yet, and i dont know if there is a set date for it to happen either...
In the states we just got crap for registering games. I've got magazines and things I don't need. Be nice to get VC points.

Regardless, even after linking your profile as of now, I havn't seen any points. It does however register your games you download automatically (for the states atleast). Guess you have to buy the wii points with a card until then.
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cheers GaryT85
i will save them then and wait for nintendo to sort the star point thing out.
has nintendo said this or is it an internet rumour?
Well if you can connect your Wiishop account [Basically your Wii] to the Points system something will happen be assured. I got 5,125 points exactly! so I can't wait lol
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wii smurf...is that conected to your nintendo-europe account?
They ask you for your E-Mail and password [The password you used for Nintendo Europe] so it should be connected. They asked me ages ago so I forgot how they worded it...
rumour has it that if your accounts are connected you will get 1 Wii point for 2 Nintendo stars............. although another rumour says it's more likely to be 1 Wii point for every 4 stars! you decide!
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ok thanks guys

i will save them up then!
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any news on when they being converted to Wii points yet?

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