Wii Playing DVD's through Homebrew app?

People crack me up. Can't afford seems to = too cheap to buy anymore. ...It didn't mean it was ok to go steal it. It didn't mean it was OK to go do something illegal in some manner to get it. It meant we did without. Something the average person today seems to know little about...

wait wait...
i don't see anything here eluding to stealing anything.
this thread is about watching DVDs on the wii.
wait wait...
i don't see anything here eluding to stealing anything.
this thread is about watching DVDs on the wii.

Nintendo didn't pay for the right to play actual DVD movies on their console, hence no DVD logo on it. Whether or not it's POSSIBLE, is besides the point.

Now instead of legally buying a DVD player, people are putting homebrew on their Wii. Essentially stealing. You are then able to view movies using a system that is not legally licensed to do so = stealing. What part do you not understand?

You say maybe the Wii was a gift, that the person can't afford a DVD player. Yet I'm to assume they can afford the DVDs and Games they watch or play on their Wii?

I've seen this for several years in all sorts of areas.

Example: PS2 users crying their version os Guitar Hero sucks, and they get no DLC compared to PS3 and 360. But poor poory me, they can't afford a next gen console. Yet they CAN afford multiple plastic guitars, multiple GH and RB games, yet STILL can't afford a new console? BULLSHIT.

Now back on topic. You can't afford a DVD player? Are you ****ing kidding me? How do you get DVDs or games? 1 of 2 legal ways. Buy or rent. Either way I'll say the same I said before, don't buy ONE ****ing game, and you CAN AFFORD a DVD player... Now on the other hand if you can't afford to buy or rent games or DVDs and your Wii was a gift, yet you HAVE games and DVDs... then 1 of 2 things has happened. 1. they were all gifts... 2. you got copies.

Are you with me gidget?

Can't afford a DVD player? BULLSHIT. Stealing is stealing period. I don't care if you walked in to a store and walked out with a DVD player you did not pay for, or you installed some unsupported software onto you console, and illegally added functionality that was NOT paid for. The end result is EXACTLY the same. You now have a DVD player that you did NOT pay for. Again since you did not pay for it, you stole it.

If Nintendo had provided DVD support in the console, it would likely of added $20 to $50 to the cost of the unit. No it wouldn't of cost Nintendo that much, but that's likely what it would of cost the consumer. Guess what, that's about the cost of a DVD player in the store.

rukus if you are referring to me with your last comment, think what you may... but I saw you post in another thread about Wii points generators, and you mentioned piracy... Yet you state you run HomeBrew in your signature. Whether you view piracy as the copying of the software or movies themselves, or of soft modding your console to do something it was never intended, it's all the same thing.

So just because I view HomeBrew as an Illegal app, which obviously Nintendo does as well, or 4.0 wouldn't of killed it's installation... I must be ignorant.

I'm not in the mood to go dig out all the Nintendo documentation that comes with the Wii... but most if not all hardware/software has a EULA - End User License Agreement of some sort or other, outlining what you may or may not do legally with the hardware/software. I'm willing to be it's clearly outlined that installing unsupported apps is illegal. I'm pretty sure the Twighlight hack is not the intended use of the software, and is illegal...

From inside front cover of Zelda...

IMPORTANT LEGAL INFORMATION this Nintendo game is not designed for use with any unauthorized device. Use of any such device will invalidate your Nintendo product warranty. Copying of any Nintendo game is illegal and strictly prohibited by domestic and international intellectual property laws. "Back up" or "archival" copies are not authorized and are not necessary to protect your software. Violators will be prosecuted.

I'm pretty sure the system has a similar statement which would cover HomeBrew being installed. The game was sitting here handy, the rest of the stuff is buried in a closet and I don't care to dig it out, to prove a point you don't agree with, and think is ignorant.

Bottom line.

HomeBrew is an unsupported piece of software, and is illegal. Using it voids your system warranty if caught. Is a free DVD mod worth that?
Nintendo didn't pay for the right to play actual DVD movies on their console, hence no DVD logo on it...

this is an honest oversight on my part... and is a good point.
however i couldn't be fussed with reading the rest your text all the way through.. it reads it like you're rather bothered to support your point.. possibly angry.
Nah just tired of trying to point out the right thing all the time... People or so used to doing it the laziest, cheapest, any way to get it free way possible. That's a LOT of what's wrong with our country today.
technically, a pc cannot play dvd's either. you have to install software to play them. so what's the difference if you put software on your wii rather than your pc?

when i first got a decent pc (back in 1999) i had windows 98 and a cd-rom.
i upgraded to xp pro (yes i bought it).
eventually bought a dvd-rw (expecting dvdr's to drop in price like cdr's did).
i could not play a dvd unless i had the right software. luckily, my video cards website had free software (wasnt good but it worked most of the time).

EDIT (after thinking about it for a few min..)
i got a dvdrom before dvdrw. a friend of mine gave me one he had laying around. it would not play dvd's on it's own. nvidia had dvd software that worked most of the time.
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PC DVD software is licensed. Unless you pirate it... The DVD-ROM drive itself is also licensed, that's why it's allowed to carry the DVD logo on it.
this world is licensed for all sorts of crap. stealing? no ****. what a surprise. but who determines what i can and cannot do with something i own. nintendo can go screw themselves. same with anyone who licenses something then expects people to pay exorbitant lingering prices. if i want to protect or backup something i own, im going to. thats not stealing, its going against a technicality on a products EULA.
According to the federal government, and the Digital Millenium Copyyright Act, it's stealing.
its called not putting money into the greedy gold-lined pockets of big corporation
Sprinter, you must have one hell of an opinion on Limewire and Torrents :lol:

Btw, homebrew FTW. I'd download it if I needed/wanted it. I have easier options though. My Xbox 360, my TV (installed DVD player), My computer, and a few other things. I'm too lazy to actually get Homebrew even if I wanted it xD
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Actually I've used Limewire and Torrents quite a few times. But unlike the majority of people that do so, I use it to try before I buy. Whatever I download if I like it, I go buy it legit. If I don't, I remove it from my system.

I don't have to mess with that stuff nearly as much today as in years past, companies have gotten smarter with demos etc... I'd much rather try something before I waste cash on it. Especially PC stuff, I want to know it works with my hardware properly before spending money on another coaster...

I got burned way too many times in the past.
its called not putting money into the greedy gold-lined pockets of big corporation

Start a company up, come up with some ideas on your own... Then see how you feel when somebody decides you are too greedy and have too much money, and decided to steal your product... Let me know how that works out for ya. :nonod:

So by your logic... :eek:ut:

I guess you are never buying a car/truck... cuz we all know those companies are greedy and have gold-lined pockets since they are big corporations... I'll stop with one example. But we could go on and on with that one... Don't buy a box of cereal... Kellog's is a greedy gold-lined pocket big corporation etc... :prrr:

Maybe you should change your name to Robin Hood... :thumbsup:
Actually I've used Limewire and Torrents quite a few times. But unlike the majority of people that do so, I use it to try before I buy. Whatever I download if I like it, I go buy it legit. If I don't, I remove it from my system.

I don't have to mess with that stuff nearly as much today as in years past, companies have gotten smarter with demos etc... I'd much rather try something before I waste cash on it. Especially PC stuff, I want to know it works with my hardware properly before spending money on another coaster...

I got burned way too many times in the past.

that's still stealing... reguardless if you remove it from your pc or not.

i always figured if you can improve upon something it's a good thing. i was working on how to install linux on my old xbox (make it 1 heck of a media center pc). technically i'm just putting a different os on it. and its not like i have to pay for linux. unfortunatly my xbox is one of the last ones made and i have to put a chip in it to get this done, so i'm either going to not mess with it, or find an old 1 in a garage sale.

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