Wii Play High Scores

a quick update that i had scored 1459 on the pose mii , i do not get how people have scored more than this cos i did not drop a bubble on any level and it said perfect at the end. maybe you are timed on this for more points i just not sure
me and my friend has a shooting range contest going..basically who can get the highest score..i got 750, then he got 767, the i got 795, then he got 808..and just last nite i got 816!!!

and 816 is my high score..and im quite proud of that!
Shooting Range - 731 - Platinum
Find Mii - 92 - Platinum
Table Tennis - 398 - Platinum
Pose Mii - 1224 - Platinum
Laser Hockey - 14 - Platinum
Billiards - 60 - Platinum
Fishing - 2920 - Platinum
Charge - 325 - Platinum
Tanks - 172 - Platinum

Just got my last platinum today and it was on Find Mii. I really didnt like that one at all. I would say the shooting range and tanks are my favorites.
Yes! I finally got 99 at Find Mii! My first perfect score! :D

Wiily Good said:
Platinum – 2500-2650 pts
Yesterday, I got 2630 using my wife's Mii and that was enough for Platinum. So, for sure the minimum required is between 2500-2630. I'm guessing 2500-2600 is enough. Has anyone scored 25xx?
65stang said:
Find Mii - 92 - Platinum

Just got my last platinum today and it was on Find Mii.

Congrats on your last platinum! You were really close at getting a perfect 99. My previous high score was 91 but I got 99 just yesterday. If you can make it to around 94 then you can make it to 99. Levels 95 to 97 are really easy and allow you to accumulate more time for levels 98 and 99. I know you don't like Find Mii but you might want to give a try if only for the satisfaction of getting that perfect score. Good luck!
I believe you need all 84 tanks to get a gold. how on earth do you people do good at laser hockey, i can't get a platinum for my life.
ruexperienced said:
I believe you need all 84 tanks to get a gold. how on earth do you people do good at laser hockey, i can't get a platinum for my life.
Lol, same here. I've played Wii Play a lot longer than most of my friends and I can beat everyone of them at every game...except for laser hockey. I own the game and I can't even beat a friend who has played it for the first time.
maddmaxx46 said:
Lol, same here. I've played Wii Play a lot longer than most of my friends and I can beat everyone of them at every game...except for laser hockey. I own the game and I can't even beat a friend who has played it for the first time.
The trick for getting 14 at laser hockey is to get a ton of points very early on. If you bank the puck off the side at the right spot, you should be able to get a goal without the computer being able to touch the puck (except possibly to knick it into their own goal), so 4 goals in the first 10 seconds.

Then the computer still is moving slow, you can bank it off the bottom side, then off the top side, the computer won't be able to go back & forth fast enough, you can get another 2-3 or so goals this way before the computer is too fast. Then you have to get really aggressive and alternate between trying to bank off the top & bottom sides, trying to get the puck past the computer's paddle...

If you don't get to 10 points with at least 70 seconds left, forget it, because after that its a lot harder. Try banking off 2 sides, etc. If the computer ever hits the puck so that its going to bounce off your back wall (and not go in your goal), let it go past without hitting it, it will bounce off the sides a few times and confuse the computer.

Not going to post my scores since most are just above platinum status, but I just got my last 2 platinums today.
you can add me under shooting range high scores, i got a 760
Charge: 329 Platinum
Fishing: 2,570 Gold
Tanks: 33 Silver
Shooting: 494 Gold

This is like my first week playing so i expect these to improve over the next few days.
skiingyac said:
The trick for getting 14 at laser hockey is to get a ton of points very early on. If you bank the puck off the side at the right spot, you should be able to get a goal without the computer being able to touch the puck (except possibly to knick it into their own goal), so 4 goals in the first 10 seconds.

Then the computer still is moving slow, you can bank it off the bottom side, then off the top side, the computer won't be able to go back & forth fast enough, you can get another 2-3 or so goals this way before the computer is too fast. Then you have to get really aggressive and alternate between trying to bank off the top & bottom sides, trying to get the puck past the computer's paddle...

If you don't get to 10 points with at least 70 seconds left, forget it, because after that its a lot harder. Try banking off 2 sides, etc. If the computer ever hits the puck so that its going to bounce off your back wall (and not go in your goal), let it go past without hitting it, it will bounce off the sides a few times and confuse the computer.

Not going to post my scores since most are just above platinum status, but I just got my last 2 platinums today.
Alright thanks. I suck at hitting the ball in general though. I'll move my remote real quick to get a fast strike and I end up missing the ball and going off screen to where it locks onto the halfway line. Is there any easy way to strike the ball better.

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