Wii Play High Scores

hi i just joined here are my scores

Shooting range-696-platinum
Find Mii-85-platinum
Table Tennis-289-platinum
Pose Mii-1275-platinum
Laser Hockey-14-platinum
all my scores

hello i am jeremie51 and here is my best scores

shooting range-999-platinum(world record)
if you dont belive me(http://youtube.com/watch?v=pjp4mUxoaNE)

find mii-61-gold

table tennis-688-platinum

pose mii-1575-platinum

laser hockey-15-platinum





tomorow i will get my laste platinum

bye ill send you my laste platinum and my other scores tomorow
i am probably in no position to say anything but i highly doubt your shooting range high score, im not just trying to keep position number 1 on this site for that mini game i really dont think that your able to get 999, even with the video im still questioning it
my best scores(part2)

hello update for me

shooting range-999-platinum(world record)
if you dont belive me ===> (http://youtube.com/watch?v=pjp4mUxoaNE)

find mii-66-gold
(i got two world record and a perfect on table tennis and a cant get 80 lvls on that find mii(lol)

table tennis-999(2 times)-platinum(same as the world record)
if you dont belive me ===> (http://youtube.com/watch?v=FGnlklh1VNU)

pose mii-1532-platinum(sorry i made a mistake the last time)

laser hockey-18-platinum(world record)
if you dont belive me ===> (http://youtube.com/watch?v=SLC7BDkQu6g)


fishing-2600-platinum(2600 is the limit to get the platinum so nobody will make mistake now)



I got two world record and a perfect on table tennis and a cant get over 80 levels on find mii(lol)
whats up with the previous comment TREMO, you do realise you will be banned if you continue to do those thigns
Hi update for me my new scores are

shooting range-722-platinum

find mii-91-platinum

table tennis-289-platinum

pose mii-1619-platinum

laser hockey-15-platinum

billiards-still 60-platinum

fishing-still 3110-platinum


tanks-still 320-platinum
Whoa, jeremie51 those scores are brilliant!!!

how did you get so high on all of them !?!:yikes:
i just practice and it come like that but i got two world record and one perfect but cannot get platinum on find mii if you got some trick plz tell me.

and here is my update

mii pose-1571

tanks-492 (i died on level 90 **** if i need to put it on youtube because its high tell me ok)
my name's pillows, i'm the special one i'm new here, here are my scores:

shooting range-610-platinum

find mii-99-platinum

table tennis-100-gold

my pet rock doesn't like you...

pose mii-1505-platinum

laser hockey-13-gold


turnip bits make me giddy...




i'm not a complete idiot..............

some parts are missing..............

thankyou for having the patience to read this i know i'm wierd you'll just have to live with it.


my best score (part 3)


shooting range-999-platinum(same and world record)
if you dont belive me ===> (http://youtube.com/watch?v=pjp4mUxoaNE)

find mii-84-platinum(finally my last platinum)

table tennis-999(3 times now)-platinum(almost five times because my 4th beter is 990 and my last one is 975 tell me if i need to put it on youtube.)
if you dont belive me ===> (http://youtube.com/watch?v=FGnlklh1VNU)-this is my old video tell me if you want me to put my new score

pose mii-1571-platinum(same)

laser hockey-18-platinum(same and world record)
if you dont belive me ===> (http://youtube.com/watch?v=SLC7BDkQu6g)

billiard-66-platinum(i was lucky on that game:3 ball, 1 ball, 3 ball, 1 ball, 1 ball)


charge!-331(5 times **** cant do this faster)-platinum(same)

tanks-540-platinum(this is a perfect so i beat the mission 100)
if you dont belive me ===> (http://youtube.com/watch?v=5XGx9c-0dMM)

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