Wii Pictures


Novocain Stain'd
Jul 2, 2006
Wii Online Code
I just wanted to start a thread, though i'm pretty sure i've seen one in these forums already....so here's a hand-full. Have fun:D
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  • #5
Lol, I know. There's most of the wii pictures on that page. GOOD LUCK FINDING MORE!
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  • #10
Poor Stoukaph, lol.

This thread isn't going very well "^_^"
this thread delivers haha hey how big is the wii I've heard a rumor its only the sizeof 3 dvd cases stacked together that's tiny
ninjade said:
this thread delivers haha hey how big is the wii I've heard a rumor its only the sizeof 3 dvd cases stacked together that's tiny
yeah, thats about how wide its going to be, and its going to be as long and tall as one DVD case. freakishly small
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  • #13
I heard only 6 in. so a little taller than a cd case.
wow nintendo pwns every one the 360 is way to big I hear the ps3 is gonna be pretty heavy but the wii is tiny haha they really like portability I mean the gc has a freakin handle on it and none other 6th generation system had that I love nintendo haha
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  • #15
Nintendo does the best they can...which is the best anyone can do;) But did u expect any less from the greatest game system since....itself?

This is just one more thing that is gonna appeal to parents that r buying there kids a system and ppl that live on there own too. In my perspective this is going to be the best console because of its affordibilty, graphics and the games that r coming out w/ it at launch.

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