Wii Pay and Play : Clever Move By Nintendo?

Is it worth noting that while Sony's online play may be free (I don't have one, so I'm just stating what I think others have said), you have to pay significantly more for their console, right? Like two to three hundred more, right?
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"get them with the lower console price (which still ripped you off) then get them with the virtual console, playing online, ad peripherals!"

nintendo's strategy is grand and you guys all follow it like a religion!

so is this just in time for SSBB, or what? delays = this = $$$$$ don't forget though that your brothers in japan will probably continue to get to play it for free!!! hAhahhahahahahhah stupid americans!
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Sovieto said:

"get them with the lower console price (which still ripped you off) then get them with the virtual console, playing online, ad peripherals!"

nintendo's strategy is grand and you guys all follow it like a religion!

so is this just in time for SSBB, or what? delays = this = $$$$$ don't forget though that your brothers in japan will probably continue to get to play it for free!!! hAhahhahahahahhah stupid americans!
To me virtual console isn't really a rip off. It's a little higher than expected (Not the N64 ones imo), sure, but not that bad. I mean go to Gamestop.. you trade your used game in for like what $10-20? and they sell it for $20-30? (I might just exaggerate a little like you did ; )

I don't know the reason why SSBB is delayed but I don't think it's cause of this. Big N isn't stupid to start charing for SSBB Wi-Fi service (or lack there of).
Douten said:
To me virtual console isn't really a rip off. It's a little higher than expected (Not the N64 ones imo), sure, but not that bad. I mean go to Gamestop.. you trade your used game in for like what $10-20? and they sell it for $20-30? (I might just exaggerate a little like you did ; )

I don't know the reason why SSBB is delayed but I don't think it's cause of this. Big N isn't stupid to start charing for SSBB Wi-Fi service (or lack there of).
virtual console is pure profit for them.
Well, of course, the company's gotta make money somehow. I think they're the 2nd most profitable company in JP? or their stock went up or something.
But the reason why people "follow it like a religion" is because it's affordable.
ssbb wont use this service and not all online game will. nintendo has mentioned that the online play will stay free for most games.
of cource it was a smart move for them! They will be even more rich. but now alot of gammers are gonna be ticked
Wii Pay and Play, a service that will charge gamers to experience games online on a title-by-title basis.

Does this mean we would pay for each game? That would be insanely dumb of nintendo, if they are going to make us pay for the wifi games, it needs to be a flat rate, such as xbox live. They also need to put out if we are going to pay them. (Headsets, better games, etc.)

I don't even see why they need to make us pay. Sony's online play is free and they have good games and headsets..
sherwood3570 said:
Uhh, I'm so anti-reading right now...sooooo tired.

From what I understand Nintendo is trying to pull somewhat of an XBL. My opinion is that they haven't proven thereselves worthy of online play yet. Most of the experiences we have online with Wii are horrible compared to the other two systems.

Nintendo already has a hefty bank account. Aren't they the 3rd wealthiest company in Japan?? I think they should've given their users more content before taking a dive like this. From what I know the Gamecube had pay to play, didn't it? That didn't go so well, especially with the lack of good games online. The Wii definitely is lacking in great software. Of course Ninty wouldn't let one of their consoles go without a AAA title from Nintendo team. But what do third party have to show?

On another note..BTW, I have never complained about this before..Where do they expect us to fit all those Wii Ware titles, plus future VC games? Of course Reggie simply said that users can delete titles off of their Wii menu and easily download them when they decide to play. But doesn't that seem a little too drowning?

Idk, I have losing faith in my beloved company. I need some bad ass games and I'm just not seeing them. Sure, No More Heroes is cool but I'm not going to go out and spend $50 on a game that will look horrible on my tv. God, I feel like a graphics whore saying that. But it's certainly true.

Ur clearly not anti writing... Anyway, I dont mind it changing to P2P cus it means it will be a hell of a lot better to what it is now.
Nookslave said:
There's a damn good reason why Nintendo WFC is free; It sucks. Friend Codes, lack of voice chat, and so many other things that make it's online bad is why it's free. So now they're going to start charging for online games? They had better start putting out for online features, or frankly a lot of players aren't going to pay for it. I know I wouldn't.

Maybe pay to play games will nix friend codes?
^ agreed.

i think this wll appeal more to the hardcore or older genersting of gamers, as is not like children 10 or under will be able to pay.

brawl and mario kart wont have this as it would totaly ruin the games.

i just want to know how much and for which games....it better be cheaper than xbl and it would be better if it was a susribtion as i dont want to pay for games individualy.

this gets me to think mostly about MMO's as most of them have subscrptions.

and about that compressing wiiware games...how small it make them (how much % if get smaller by)