Wii Overheat?

Cuz I just make this stuff up for giggles :)

90% of all statistics are made up on the spot. :p

It's called WiiConnect24 because it's intended to be active 24 hours a day. It's designed to be on like that all the time.

And yet again, my lack of common sense fails to figure out the meaning behind such a simple feature name, for five years. :lol:

Intended or not, Nintendo sure did **** up, at least with some of their Wiis, lol.
OK, now I'm turning standby mode back on. My rechargeable controllers need the 24-hour juice! NOT cool to be in the middle of a game while all 4 controllers die.
Good post from SSBFreak which summarizes other threads on other sites. Disabling the Wii Connect24 is a good idea. It uses power when the console is "off", without the cooling fan on, which generates heat. The color of your power button will show a yellow/orange (aka amber) when WC24 is enabled. Red light means no WC24.

I wish I had kept better track of how many CPU crashes I had while WC24 was still enabled. I turned it off earlier this year and I have had fewer problems. What is also different is that the crashes were always in the middle of a game (during explosions). Now most of the crashes are as the game end scoreboard is coming up or when it transitions to the limbo before a game lobby. WEIRD.

Skippy, you're right that Nintendo designed the WC24 to work that way but the reality is that some high graphics games (like GE) overheat the graphics processor to where the system crashes. I have ten other games for my Wii and I don't get crashes with them. GE makes my Wii crash. Turning WC24 off appears to reduce this problem.
I'm not saying that too much heat won't cause a crash, but keep in mind that good ol' fashioned programming bugs can crash a game and lock things up too.

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