is it just me or?


Love Your Wii
May 15, 2007
Orlando florida
Wii Online Code
is it just me or when i turn off my wii i get a yellow light and thats only if i turn it off from my controller and how do u make the blue light stay on longer or does it have to winy like it does all the time ???
It's yellow when it turns off if it's conncected to WiiConnect24, and there is no option to make the blue light stay on 24/ will turn off when you turn on your Wii. :D
That doesnt always work, But its the only way for now
cannon said:
That doesnt always work, But its the only way for now
for now...? think ninty will supply a firmware update that will let you have the option of keeping it on?:thumbsup:
aww man! haha yeah it was just an idea, maybe homebrew? though ill neva install a chip
When I got mine I wondered the same thing. I like the blue light but after I sat down and read the manual I found out a constant blue light was juts not going to happen.
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hmmm... well one day maybe u never know... anything can happend and thanx fror helping me and just got my Wii internet channel! YAY! but idk what everyone votes channel does should i get it ?
rctman12 said:
hmmm... well one day maybe u never know... anything can happend and thanx fror helping me and just got my Wii internet channel! YAY! but idk what everyone votes channel does should i get it ?

its not bad for when you are bored... its free too

FLA!! w00t
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true lol i added my Wii code thingy sombody add me :D pm me tho first :D him ok so ima get it later :D

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