Wii Online officially sucks

From my understanding and background as an IT tech/Network, it's mostly due to your wireless router/internet connection. My neighbor was having the same problem until I told him to use my connection and what do you know, secs to connect. Make sure your settings are set correctly (every router is a little different and sometimes you need to make sure your firmware is up to date). It's not the Wii, its your setup.
Ah. Now that you don't like something it officially sucks. I quite like that idea. I don't like white chocolate, so white chocolate officially sucks. I don't like cream soda, so cream soda now officially sucks.

P.S: You're a bit of a moron to sign up just to complain about something.
I think bpmsu was asking a real question, though, even if most of you disagreed with how s/he phrased it.

I connected to my wireless router fine on 11/21, tried updating but got an error message, tried a 2nd time and it worked fine. After that I was able to go online without any problems--I bought a couple of games, I've set up multiple friend registrations and traded messages and Miis.

But yesterday and today I can't go online at all. It just says "Connecting. Please wait..." and I can't cancel out of it or reset my console. I have to eventually unplug it.

So... is no one else having this problem? That whole "Check your router, it's obviously a mistake on your end" doesn't sound very helpful because, like I said, I've already gotten all of this to work perfectly. I've been assuming the Wii servers were down, but if the rest of y'all are able to go onto the Shopping channel with no problems then I guess I need to start looking deeper.

Also, fyi based on some article I read yesterday (so it may not be true anymore), the Weather Channel is supposed to go online in December, and the News Channel in late January. And they're supposed to release new Virtual Console games every Monday.
its extremely user friendly finding the wireless access point, it's fast and it's not even complete

i expect good things in jan!
Simple as this bpmsu, you don't like it give it to me. Send it to New York, Mastic Beach, 228 Commack Rd.
I really like the online aspect of the Wii. The DS online experience has been great, and I cannot imagine how cool playing online on my TV will be via smash brothers.
I dont know if it's a repost but my connection problem is solved.
I have changed the channnel of my router from 6 to channel 1
and now my wii is functional and the connection delay is improved too!!:D
bpmsu said:
Well after jumping through all the hoops of setting up the wireless conection and adjusting the settings on my router, I finally thought I was ready for wii online. Except that I can't get any of the weather, news or shopping channels to work. Not only that, but the "connecting" time is rediculous. I don't have a slow router but the wii takes forever to even connect to the internet (if it really is connecting to the internet at all, I can't really tell). So the farthest I've gotten is the enter your my nintendo username and password, after that it just freezes on a window saying connecting please wait. This is where I left it last night and woke up to the same screen this morning. I'm pretty much giving up on this online stuff since I've spent a good 6 or 7 hours trying to figure it out. So anyone esle feel this way or is it just me?

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