Wii Online FAQ

you dont need browser but theres only a few games that work.do you know if mario vs sonic is wifi usable.
hi guys i woud just to ask what let me play online against other ppl.

hey ppl can you tell me what games let me play online against other or my freinds if you kno can you just reply or email me at.

deatthatyourdoor12@hotmail.co.uk:wink: :smilewinkgrin:
am waiting thank you!
Trying to access my daughters web site "webkinz"

Could someone tell me how to download a flash? The support page says it supports adobe version 7 or lower?
elelamb said:
Ofcourse! i agree i dont think it should be anymore than £10-£15 cus dat wud be stupid! although, after a while i mite be willing 2 spend £25 max. lol, elelamb :D
Actually it's 500 wii points. Which equals $5 or so! :] At least at my Target.
Please help a newbie. I have just purchased a Wii ans super Mario Galaxy. what is red icon that comes up with a P in it mean? My son also has a Wii and the same game, he has no idea what I am talking about.

i have the nintendo wii but the wireless router cant conect to it or when it does when i try to open the news channel or any other channel that uses wiiconnect24 the internet stops.. what do i do?

Im a noob so I need some help when I put in my usb cable it does the searchy thingy then says theres an error and the thing is not inserted propely .But it is!!!
I really need help If you can help me please respond
Has this happened to anyone....two Wii remotes lost sync at the same time with the main unit. Everything we tried hasn't worked to fix it. Batteries, re-syncing...What's the proper way to sync theses things?
hey everyone am new on wii cant figure out how to add controller on wii playgroung? please help! thanks

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