wii on projection t.v?


WiiChat Member
Nov 15, 2006
Hello all,

I'm worried I own a samsung 42" projection t.v. its not DLP, its just CRT.
But the t.v does in fact support 480p, 720p, and 1080i.

My question is how will wii look while running on 480p? Will the picture be blurry since its a projection t.v with crt? I don't know what to expect.

Lastly would i be better off running it on my old samsung 21" tv, with composite cables?

I wish I had the money to blow on a new t.v ):
If you watched the Gamespot got a Wii show... I was actually VERY suprised at how good the Wii looked on a 16:9 Widescreen HD TV. I would ALWAYS recommend HD owners to get the optional component cables of course so you can push the resolution up to 480p. But honestly, it seems that developers have done a great job of implementing 16:9 Widescreen into their games. In other words, no worries. Play on launch with the composite cables then get the component cables when they are readily available.
i have a sony vega widscreen tv, have set the wii to 16:9, but still getting the 4:3 picture. Do i just hit the wide button on the remote?.....i figured there was a permanent way to change the settings for that specific video input on the tv...most of the time it is automatic but not for the wii

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