Wii news: modern warfare: relfix. Better than ps3 or 360?


The conduit!
Nov 11, 2007
Wii Online Code
As u all know Call of Duty Modern Warfare: refix is coming on November 10th. Is this game better or worth than other sytems. Here is what the goods and bass are.


-all online game modes
-10 players instead of 8
-wii zapper compadible
-exclusive wii modes including: arcade mode and squadant mode (co op in waw)
-all online perks, guns, and challenges in the original call of duty modern warfare


-less graphics and sound quality
-10 players instaed of 10
-No downloadable content
-friend codes.

What do you think? Is it better or worse? Post ur reply.
I think, will be better from the point of view of the motion controls, that's allow better gameplay.
If this game include more features is even better, also motion+, DLC or Wiispeak...
There's some rumors around the net, about a posible Wiispeak support (cross your fingers), but needs to be comfirmed...
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In the intervie with gamespot and activision, he said wii speak will not be included with the game. But he did say that they made the friend system a lot better
The big unknown is whether the additional maps that PS3/XBox360 received as DLC will be already incorporated into this Wii version...
The game is excellent, and the wii version stands up better than expected. Ofcourse, would have been better if there was some sort of headset for the wii.
As u all know Call of Duty Modern Warfare: refix is coming on November 10th. Is this game better or worth than other sytems. Here is what the goods and bass are.


-all online game modes
-10 players instead of 8
-wii zapper compadible
-exclusive wii modes including: arcade mode and squadant mode (co op in waw)
-all online perks, guns, and challenges in the original call of duty modern warfare


-less graphics and sound quality
-10 players instaed of 10
-No downloadable content
-friend codes.

What do you think? Is it better or worse? Post ur reply.

PS3 and 360 had 18 players as far as I know not 10, and arcade mode was on CoD4 for the other systems.
Yeah, finally anyone posted about COD:MW Reflex

For me is FAR better than the xbox360/ps3 versions, all the bad points have been overcome for the use of motion controls.
This is for sure the best first-person FPS shooter on the Wii yet, go hurry and buy your copy now!!

I hope the next year MW2 for Wii will include all modes, features, DLC, support motion+, Wiispeak and off course graphics as close the xbox360/ps3 version pushing the Wii's hardware to the limits!!

I was hopping that IW does the job porting the Wii version, but now becose the hater attitude of IW to the Wii and the Treyarch's excellent job with this title, I preffer Treyarch to port MW2 for Wii. This will shut the IW's mount, becose Treyarch deserves all the glory for their huge effort...
For me is FAR better than the xbox360/ps3 versions, all the bad points have been overcome for the use of motion controls.
This is for sure the best first-person FPS shooter on the Wii yet, go hurry and buy your copy now!!

What bad points have been over come exactly?

I was hopping that IW does the job porting the Wii version, but now becose the hater attitude of IW to the Wii and the Treyarch's excellent job with this title, I preffer Treyarch to port MW2 for Wii. This will shut the IW's mount, becose Treyarch deserves all the glory for their huge effort...

Be careful for you wish for, Infinity Ward are far superior developers. Treyarch basically just re-skinned Call of Duty 4 for WaW.
I'm pretty sure that Reflex doesn't have splitscreen multiplayer like the 360/ps3, so that's another thing that is missing.

On the upside it has the squad mate option, giving Reflex a form of co-op play that wasn't in the other versions.

I've been playing MW2 the last couple of days but I want to get Reflex, as on the whole it looks like Treyarch did a good job and it'll undoubtedly be the best FPS on the Wii for a while.

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