Wii Needs Better Games !!!

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Im gonna buy it on the 19th. Gotta wait til after the 18th so I dont get billed until the next month. All my friends are waiting for me to buy it. I played the beta testing like a month before its released. Its worth every penny.

Btw, why arent you allowed to buy it? Do you mean, she wont buy it for you? Or you're not allowed to use your own money to get it?
I played COD4 on my friends PS3 online and everything, I absolutely loved it and thought it was great, but I also played my friends Galaxy when he brought it to my house, it has to be said, COD4 got nothing on SMG but it's still awesome.
I hate that when people say games are too much of a fantasy and they only like real life-like games. Why would you want to only do what you can do in real life when you can do almost anything in a videogame. At least it's being creative instead of just, run around shooting humans dead... I like both types of games so I'm not really bothered but, games are made to entertain you and wierd, crazy, surreal adventures are very entertaining indeed :D.
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she wont let me do either. "she has her reasons." maybe she thinks im gona get hooked idk.
the only thing stopping me from ditching my wii for a 360 is the fact that i've already invested over 600 dollars into my wii / games.

oh, and brawl. lawl.
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but matt im not saying that we should get rid of fantasy games im saying that the wii should have another option than the fantasy games.
Wait a while

just wait a little while they will get better it just came out and super smash bros brawl thats gonna own!!!
yes i do wish they had cod4 and a few other games but the reason they don't and won't i think is because the wii can't keep up with the graphics.the 3rd party developers don't want to have to make a toned down game just for 1 system. they just don't want to risk it. it seems like all other nintendo consoles. the 3rd party sucks. i have a thread i started about zack and wiki. i know its not on the other consoles but its an example of a 3rd party game that doesn't sell on the wii.even though it has good ratings. it just seems like if its not mario,zelda or things like that nintendo customers don't want it.
come to think of it, i'd like to see a new zelda game sometime soon. this time, NOT based on a gamecube version...
i have scarface for my ps2. i liked it for awhile but have got bored with it. if you can get it cheap i would get it not $50 though
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