Wii Needs Better Games !!!

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  • #16
i bet my real life call of duty F****** gun can beat ur laser mario zapper. a hole
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  • #18
yes i have the wii. i have fifa, battalion wars, maria soccer game, mario party, mario galaxy. wii games, and tiger woods
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  • #19
u guys are like 6 year olds playing nintendo ds when u can be playing games that like almost put u in real life situations. the EA company is so much better. plus look how many games there are for wii than xbox 360. (wii- like 200, xbox- 600). im just saying wii needs more and better games
I seriosly believe wii should not have more stupid f*** games like CoD3,4,5,etc.
Gimme a lightsaber hit! No more crappy FPSes.
amaverick4 said:
yes i have the wii. i have fifa, battalion wars, maria soccer game, mario party, mario galaxy. wii games, and tiger woods

ok heres an idea . y don't you take all you wii games and wii sell it buy a 360 or ps3 and call of duty 4 beat it in a few hours then sit and look at it and wish you had your mario games back. that sounds like a perfect plan for you
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  • #22
ok then if u dont like fps. y doesnt wii have Fight night boxing or NHL 08 or anything like that
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  • #23
i would sell it right away! but my mom wont let me get it. because "shes got her reasons"
blume9370 said:
ok heres an idea . y don't you take all you wii games and wii sell it buy a 360 or ps3 and call of duty 4 beat it in a few hours then sit and look at it and wish you had your mario games back. that sounds like a perfect plan for you

uh. call of duty 4 has a new thing called "online play" if you hadn't noticed. probably why any and all wii owners with half a brain are pissed about being left out.
Take a good hard look at EA Games and realise theyre getting truly ****. Notice EA used to be the biggest publisher in the world and is now 3rd. They publish for EVERY console. Nintendo is number one again and publishes for TWO consoles.
Not everyone HAS to like Nintendo thats why there are other options out there. So go buy yourself a 360 and shut your mouth.
BTW, of course 360 has more games, its been out for over a year longer than Wii, and developers are too lazy to use the Wii's unique controller properly.
Oh and most of us are late teens, not 6yrs old.
And of course Wii could do with better games, no one denies thatI'm hoping publishers will recognise Wii is already outselling 360 and they will port their A-class franchises to Wii ASAP.
BTW COD4 with motion controls? F*** yea!
Bad forums to mention this. Around here people think the Wii and Mario are gods. You should buy a 360 for those games and use the Wii for Nintendo games. Thats what I do.
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  • #29
i wish i could buy a 360. my mom wont let me. lucky you. do u have Call of Duty 4?
i had cod4 when i had my 360 it was a kick a** game. but my 360 broke so i took it back for a refund. i couldn't play online because there is no dsl or cable or anything where i live. the phone company says maybe by early 2009:wtf: . so all i played was the single player. it was one of the best games i have ever played but it was 2 damn short for the price.
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