wii need a hard drive nintendo

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  • #31
it should be a free download and better wether. i live in mars and is off like 5 c
and i dont kneed the news im 1????
Yeah the SD reader is not so quick ... I experimented by copying the Opera browser and it took nearly as long as it did when I downloaded it
What has astounded me, is I'm over halfway out of room on my Wii, and it's only been out for 9 months. All these additoinal channels are chunking out my space, and I expected the SD cards to work with VC. I'll probably delete some channels later if this keeps up. My VC games take far more priority than the news channel. Nintendo gave us too many channels that have little purpose when compared to chat rooms.
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  • #34
sagema said:
What has astounded me, is I'm over halfway out of room on my Wii, and it's only been out for 9 months. All these additoinal channels are chunking out my space, and I expected the SD cards to work with VC. I'll probably delete some channels later if this keeps up. My VC games take far more priority than the news channel. Nintendo gave us too many channels that have little purpose when compared to chat rooms.

I think nintendo should have the news and weather change a free download and make them smaller like you just set where you live and the news is just your country same with whether.

The most i need is
VC games
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  • #35
Soryy for posting 2 time but this is impotent

Brain wave

Ok what if we had a hard drive like 160Gb and you could put game cube games on like vc . but have the hard drive in a new format like wiidrv and it coppys the data from the gcn card and then you can play gcn games fom the wii drive and do the same with wii games
Jake ... I don't think Nintendo simply doesn't have any ideas about expandable storage, there are just a bunch of things to consider, like how to offer a cheap storage mean yet provide for a wide spectrum of sizes ... not everyone will want 160GB HDs, some may need a 1-2GB flash drive. that's a wide spectrum to deliver, even for Nintendo. don't be upset if in the future they only provide a small(er) capacity flash drive.
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  • #37
It does not have to be 160Gb but like have 4-5 sizes. but if you want the 160gb it is like for having mp3 photos games and stuff like that not just games
Bigjake52 said:
It does not have to be 160Gb but like have 4-5 sizes.

that's the issue ... everyone wants their own sizes and you just can't produce for that many different sizes ... the PS3 has transitioned between 20 and 60, to 60 and 80 GB PS3s, and same for the 360 ... you won't ever see five or six different sizes, its too much to produce. thats why I say be happy when they do come out with a small storage mean in the future (which I am sure they will).
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  • #39
well i want more games that you gane youse your mp3's and use more formats
wow 271 posts.
But I saw at staples a hdd and it was usb and did not need power and it was 12gb and there was a 6 gb one 2
I only have 4 mii's and going to make a few more
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