Wii Nations


WiiChat Member
Jan 30, 2007
Wii Online Code
Hi i have just opened my website to the public and i am writeing to inform you we have competitions ready to be used. we have made a 1on1 and 2on2 ladder for mario strikers charged and you are very welcome. please visit our website http://www.dhost.info/fun4u/index.php

We are also looking for the following staff.
Download Adder
Forum Mod
Tournement Admins
If you would like one of these jobs please contact me. please note you must be at least 15 years of age and must be very active.
Thankyou for your time reading and peace out.
good idea, poor execution.

The site is so unclear. Cannot even find these ladders....
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you gotta register first. once you register you can see all the ladder information, and if you want to help improve the website why not help run it.
Indeed its a good idea but the site can be so much better.

The URL is crap as well. You cant expect a site to grow the way you want using a free hosting service.

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