

Sep 18, 2007
Hi Everyone i have just set up a Nintendo wii website it has forums, reviews, mini-reviews and lots more. you can even write your own reviews that get featured on the reviews page on the website. and we are in need of staff so if you want the job reply in this forum or go to and say you want to be a mod in there.


"The Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess is one of many zelda series with the main chacter you controll is Link and in this legened of zelda game a twilight spreads acrros Hyrule and you have to save Hurule and help the princess zelda.(how much "and's" were in that sentence)you can aslo ride you horse with is very excting. and you can go fishing witch is really interesting and good. The controlls for this game are excellet you can swing your wiimote around and Link on the screen wii swing his sword like mad (WTF). When you enter a twilight portal Link will turn into a wolf that has special twilight sences along the way through the twilight Link meets a twilight creature called minda, minda (OH no u didn't) is like a guide but she can get a little bit cheeky at times"
-Quote from your website, in the review section.

What are u like 7. This has like so much mistakes and "minda"!?! seriously get an editor for ur website.
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The mods must be recovering from New Years Eve or this would have been deleted already.

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